Guess who has malaria and typhoid??

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October 21st 2013
Published: October 21st 2013
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Interpreting my widal test with ishmael
This girl!!!

Actually, it's really not that bad all things considered. I spiked a fever on Saturday after writing that last blog entry and basically felt like I had the flu by 9am, so I went to the clinic to get some bloodwork done. I suspected that I had typhoid, but it was a bit of a surprise that I have malaria as well.

I actually consider myself fortunate- typhoid is pretty easy to treat and diagnose, but malaria comes on very abruptly and often with little warning. If I hadn't been symptomatic of typhoid then I probably wouldn't have gone to get a blood test and would have diagnosed my malaria much later. I was also lucky in the sense that I got to write my own lab test (and avoid the 3hour long triage wait), and that my favorite lab tech, Ishmael, was working. He didn't charge me and let me interpret my own widal test (for typhoid). Check that one off the bucket list. I mean, I feel kind of like crap, but how many people can say they've analyzed their own positive typhoid slide? Slowly approaching badass status.

I've been taking cipro (an antibiotic)

My two mini nurses, Esther and Prof, practicing proper hand hygeine
twice a day for the typhoid and also an anti malarial. My physician from the travel clinic sent me with enough cipro for five days, but I need enough pills to cover me for ten days.

Getting cipro, a very basic antibiotic, can be kind of tough here. There are a lot of places that claim to sell it, but most of them are really only selling placebos. I had to pay Sauda, one of my favorite nurses, 30 cedi (about 15 dollars) to get me some cipro from a reputable source in the Capitol. Honestly, you'd think that I was trying to smuggle crack cocaine into senya, with how difficult it is around here to get a basic antibiotic.

Anyways, we got the goods today, and I am on my way to feeling better. I'm going to try and go to the clinic tomorrow because I apparently need to learn how to deliver babies in the next four days. Sam, the nurse here who has been assigned to maternity, is leaving this Sunday. Delivering babies by myself while having typhoid and malaria? Definitely getting closer to badass status. I was concerned about going to work and spreading typhoid to our already sick patients, but according to our MD I am no longer contagious so I should be good to go. Here goes nothing!


22nd October 2013

Thanks for keeping us updated!
You\'re my hero!! I think you have far surpassed the badass status already! I miss you so much but I am so happy you are having such a great time, doing some many wonderful things to help people, and embarking on life changing adventures. Love you! AnneMarie

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