Blogs from Upper Egypt, Egypt, Africa


Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor December 29th 2023

Actually not really, but places where dead people had been…and if you’re Eloise, that’s basically as bad as lying in the sarcophagus with them. A grumbling early start as we scoffed breakfast and headed for our adventures on the West Bank. Not too long of a trip and we were at Medinet Habu, a temple for Ramses III. It was all about him really, what a strong warrior he was and how he killed lots of enemies. And the usual chumminess with the gods. He understood the importance of really making his mark, so he made the carvings very deep so they could never be removed or worn away. Some beautiful colours, not many other people and guards who were keen to earn a bit of coin on the side meant we were shown all the ... read more
Incredible carvings
Raiders of the Lost (S)Ark(ophagus)…see what I did there?!
Ramses IX

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor December 28th 2023

Anyone seeing the title of ‘cats’ and the location in Luxor may have assumed I was referring to the many sphinxes adorning this town. In fact, there’s a whole avenue of them, recently opened between Karnak and Luxor temples. There are hundreds of them. But anyone would be wrong. I’m referring to actual cats. Fat ones, almost hundreds of them that we got to hang out with today at the ACE animal sanctuary, a charity on the East Bank that looks after the neglected animals of Luxor. And bloody hell, there are a lot of them. So this shelter takes them in. At this point, you’d normally say ‘there were fat ones and skinny ones…’ but in reality, there are no skinny ones because the ones that are there know they’re onto a good thing. And ... read more
Rabbit (three legged cat) and others

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor December 27th 2023

Yes, for all you pedants out there, I know Montezuma is Mexican but the reference is related to the very authentic curry stir fry noodles in the Mexican buffet which did not agree with me AT ALL and rendered me horizontal for the entire day. So for everyone else, it was a lazy start to the day including breakfast and lunch before pick up for a “desert experience”. Not particularly authentic I’m told and a bit naff all round but they did get a camel ride and enjoyed the show. But I’m assured that my Mexican dalliance didn’t cost me too much in experience even if it did in body weight. Another long day back to Luxor via the same route we came. We were pleased to be leaving the resort but glad we’d made the ... read more
Camels again
Sunset over the desert camp
Fire show

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt December 23rd 2023

The day began with a leisurely breakfast on the deck and the promise of more ugh history to please the masses. Jumped on our tug for a quick trip to Gebel el Silsila which was the site of the quarry used for much of the building material around the place. First stop was a small temple built for the workers which was built by the successor to Tut. Then we wandered through the quarry and visited the project manager’s house. Being a kin of ours, we were interested in his set up - lived there with his wife and daughter while the other workers lived across the Nile. We were fascinated (ok, some of us were, some of us passed the time by singing Taylor Swift songs) by the way they organised the workers - not ... read more
Edfu temple
Mother’s find the hieroglyphs challenge
In the spiritual home of engineers

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Kom Ombo December 20th 2023

Our morning started with a little less opportunity for atmosphere soaking and we were actually dropped off on time - they must have known that our plan for the next three days was to soak, on the deck of our dahabiya, along the Nile to Esna. We knew we were in for three relaxing days on the deck, watching the world go by, punctuated by a few excursions to shore for some ugh history. What we didn’t know is that our 10 berth boat was exclusively for us! Well isn’t this just the way to travel! Ugh poshness! Our journey started northwards, pulled by a tug and we relaxed on our (exclusive) deck, reading, lolling about on deck chairs and generally soaking up the (posh) atmosphere. We looked down our noses as many cruise ships passed ... read more
Lapping up the luxury
Kom Ombo temple - for Horus and Sobek
Dual temple

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan December 19th 2023

Everyone knows about all the ancient stuff here, lots of temples and ruins and stuff…almost like the land that time forgot. Cleverly, the Egyptians have also managed to mix it up a bit and create the land that forgot time, or at least how to tell it, or stick by it, or pay any attention to it at all! Lucky we’re in beautiful Aswan, on the banks of the Nile so we have plenty of opportunity to soak up the ambience while we’re doing our waiting. Arrived at our Nubian Farm under the cover of darkness - an eerie experience for those of us who hadn’t completely succumbed to jet lag and passed out. Our boat wove through the tall granite protrusions of the river under the light of Aga Khan’s illuminated mausoleum high on the ... read more
A different view of Philae
Hooray for not capsizing
Beautiful Aswan…much time to soak

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan November 16th 2023

An overnight train from Cairo to Aswan was memorable but not something I would want to do again. Aswan is the nearest city to the Abu Simbel site built by Ramses 2. It still takes several hours to drive there. It is amazing to look at some of the old photos of how the structures were relocated to avoid loss by flooding when the Aswan Dam was built. Similarly in Aswan the temple of Phillae was moved and rebuilt. Like a giant jigsaw puzzle where lives were marked with numbers then rebuilt. Huge effort indeed. Another highlight of the time in Aswan was a felucca boat ride. It was such a peaceful experience. Fabulous! One afternoon my sister and I took ourselves off to the Old Cataract hotel where we paid 500 EGP for entry which ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor November 16th 2023

Luxor: the spectacular Valley of the Kings and last day in Cairo trip to the Khan el Khalili bazaar We set off early to the Valley of the Kings to avoid crowds. We visited 6 tombs in all. Tutankhamen was a must see of course and yes we saw his mummy but the tomb is very simple.his famous burial mask is in the Egyptian museum and other treasures are all likely to end in the new Grand Egyptian Museum. The most extraordinary of the tombs was Seti 1. At an extra charge of $70AUD it was worth it. Outstanding colours and it is very big with several different sections. Other visits were to Hatshepsut (pronounced hats cheap suit), the Luxor temple at night which was great and Karnak. Karnak and Luxor temple are connected by a ... read more

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Kom Ombo November 16th 2023

We had fun sailing from Aswan to Luxor over 3 nights. One very special highlight was the night visit to Kom Ombo. The atmosphere was breathtaking.The temple is dedicated to both Horus the falcon on one side and Sobek the fertility crocodile on the other. It was fantastic! The cruise boat is quite relaxing being equipped with nice rooms, we scored a suite! And a swimming pool on the top deck. Fun! There were added attractions of passing through a lock and watching the merchants row up to the boat and throw their wares to customers on the top deck. What a hoot it was!... read more

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Luxor January 25th 2023

As we approach the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal, thoughts turn to the excitement of Egypt, ancient ruins (no not most of the passengers) and PIRATES. We all receive a letter from the Captain informing us that on the 21st we must all take part in the ship’s pirate drill. Now I understand this does not involve wide spread issuance of parrots and tricorn hats. Neither is it a case of a free tot of rum to any passenger producing a peg leg to the bar staff. The rear open decks will be closed at night and the ship’s lights largely extinguished. In the event of an attack the passengers must gather outside their cabin and sit down on the floor. Given that we are deck 11 and a very considerable ... read more

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