Blogs from Lima, Peru, South America


South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Barranco April 21st 2024

It is very hard country. Dry country. Stony country. Arid country. Barren country. A barely hospitable landscape. Sand and grit, rock and pebble. Desert mountains and empty seaward lowlands. Not semi-arid. For vast tracts there is no vegetation. A single very hardy thistle of spiky grass, or rare cactus, startles. It is so ugly it is almost beautiful. The Peruvian desert, that includes most of the nation's western flank between the Andes Mountains and Pacific Ocean, is not of any exceptional width, between 100km and 200km. But it is a long land of nigh nothing, a moonscape, running near the length of the country, 3,000km, 10 percent of the nation. A few tatty towns dot the local base of the raised spine along the entire continent: from heavy snow and 'Swiss lakes' in deep-south Patagonia northwards ... read more
1,500-year-old Nazca aqueduct system
3 boats and no men
3 men in a boat, Chala

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima January 3rd 2024

From Giangi's Kitchen: Origins of tomato soup. It originated in the region of Andalucia in southern Spain. Gazpacho is widely consumed in Spanish cuisine as well as in Portugal. In 1897, Joseph Campbell came out with condensed tomato soup by reducing water in the tin, making it easy and lowering storage and shipping costs. Where did grilled cheese and tomato soup originate? The combination of tomato soup and grilled cheese has been around since WWII when feeding hungry seamen. School lunch programs, after WWII, were added to the menu because of the added vitamin C that it provides. They are flavorful and a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, vitamin K, fiber, beta-carotene, and antioxidants. In a nutshell: a very healthy recipe for all of us. Secret ingredients: Saffron: I added saffron to give it ... read more
Great combo

South America » Peru » Lima October 1st 2023

Lima I arrived in Lima in the evening after the boat tour and stayed in a cute area called Barrenco which is super hipster with lots of restaurants, bars and cafes, street art and has a really cool atmosphere so I spent the evening walking around there. The next day I explored Miraflores and had a nice, steady day which was great as I have been go, go, go for a week and I haven’t slept in the same bed for more than 1 night in a row! I was surprised by Lima as I expected it to just be a big capital city but it had lots of character, charm and the Miraflores/ Barrenco region was green and had lots of parks and a great sea promenade for walking, running and cycling. I really liked ... read more
Lima promenade
Puerto Maldonado

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Miraflores January 10th 2023

(Day 194 on the road) There are famous places in this world that you read a lot about before you actually visit. Mystical or remote places that capture the imagination, places that are elevated to a higher level in the mind. Places you want to visit for many years, often decades. But once you've arrived, these places sometimes seem rather ordinary and don't quite live up to the high expectations you've set for them. Not so Machu Picchu. Like most people, I had seen the iconic photographs of this ancient Inca site all my life, so I sort of knew what to expect. But when I finally approached Machu Picchu at the Sun Gate, high above the actual ruins, I was still overwhelmed by its sheer beauty. This is one of those places where pictures just ... read more
Barranco district in Lima
View from our appartment in Cusco
Quechua women with alpacas in Cusco

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima August 23rd 2022

On our last day in Peru, we had another early morning start. We had to ride from Urubamba to Cuzco for a morning flight to Lima. But that meant we had some additional time to do some exploring around Lima. Our hotel in the Miraflores area was the same hotel we'd had before and we were treated to the beautiful views of the Pacific Ocean on our drive along the Malecon. After checking in, we decided to explore the Parque Kennedy area this time. The avenue where the park is located was a typical business center type street lined with shops and businesses for the most part but, at one end of it, we came across El Parquetito, a cute Café with outdoor sitting where we decided to have lunch. The essential Pisco Sour accompanied a ... read more
Huaca Pucllana
Huaca Pucllana
Huaca Pucllana

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima August 12th 2022

On our first day in Chile, our first outing was to experience a Ceviche cooking demonstration followed by lunch at the same location in the upscale Miraflores district, where our hotel was located. The Asnapa Restaurant was just a few minutes walk from the hotel, and the demonstration was performed by the restaurant's Chef. Ceviche is a simple process, needing only five ingredients and a few minutes to be accomplished, and anything additional is to the chef's discretion and taste. Our chef chose fish as the main ingredient, and within a few minutes we were sampling his creation. A larger portion was available as one of the appetizers for our lunch, but I decided to try something different. It was the first of many delicious meals I was to have in Peru, enough so to have ... read more
Ceviche Demonstration
Ceviche Demonstration

South America » Peru » Lima July 3rd 2021

Poet, novelist, and travel writer William Graham resides in Stowe, Vermont. Many of his works of fiction have been inspired by his trips to the southern hemisphere. See his South American Novels series on Amazon. Several feet above the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean flew millions of birds called skimmers that were flying to spend summer in the North American continent. From horizon to horizon, the avian convoy stretched and undulated like a giant snake. It was a marvelous display of nature’s beauty. And where did I see it? In a wildlife refuge in Lima, the sprawling capital of Peru. For many visitors to Peru, the number one travel goal (and with good reason) is to visit the Incan sites in and around Cuzco and then make the journey to the iconic Machu Picchu. Expl ... read more
Ruins of the Temple of the Sun at Pachacamac
San Francisco Monastery
Snowy Egret

South America » Peru » Lima January 23rd 2021

6th January - Barranco - Lima Barranco is situated along the Pacific Coast, one of 43 Districts in Lima. It has earned a reputation as the Bohemian District because of its bright buildings, street art & charming streets. Barranco was originally a fishing village. Legend has it that a group of fishermen lost in the sea mist at last saw a distant light and rowed toward it. When they came ashore, they found that in the spot where they had seen the light was nothing but a wooden cross in the sand, and built the church. In the main plaza we viewed the statue of Chabuca Granda, Peru’s beloved poet, composer and folk singer. Next to Chabuca is the sculpture of a Peruvian riding horse, the subject of one of her songs. There were several young ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima January 20th 2021

Lima - 22nd December 2020 The Main Square of Lima is located in heart of Lima, founded by Francisco Pizarro in 1535, is a World Heritage Site, declared by UNESCO. The Square was the headquarters of the Spanish Colonial Government and was heavily damaged during the earthquake in 1746. Lima is the second largest desert capital city after Cairo in Egypt. The city is located on a desert strip between the Pacific Ocean and Andes Mountains. The Government Palace was originally built by Francisco Pizarro, governor in 1535. The most recent alterations to the building were completed in the 1930s. It was interesting listening to our guide,Vanessa, talk about the distinctive balconies. During the Spanish Colonial rule of the 17th and 18th centuries, the stand-out features of public and private buildings was the addition of balconies ... read more

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima January 7th 2020

We went straight from Medellin to Barranco, the area in Lima that was recommended to us, the colonial barrio with the hipster flavour. Tired from 5 weeks in Colombia Daria needed a rest, we get a room on airbnb in a pretty house hosted by Peruvian descendants from Tuscany; a house with a lot of 60’s design taste, nice sofas, pretty textiles and art books for flicking through, the predominant colour is brick red. The guy that runs the bed and breakfast is called Juan Carlo - he lived 8 years in Florence and speaks good Italian with funny Tuscan dialetc, very helpful guy, he told us places to go, little restaurants in the area and enjoyed a lot to chat in Italian with us. Daria loved the house and found every possible excuse to stay ... read more
Street life in Lima
The man who repaired my camera

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