Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese

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January 3rd 2024
Published: January 4th 2024
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From Giangi's Kitchen:

Origins of tomato soup.

It originated in the region of Andalucia in southern Spain. Gazpacho is widely consumed in Spanish cuisine as well as in Portugal. In 1897, Joseph Campbell came out with condensed tomato soup by reducing water in the tin, making it easy and lowering storage and shipping costs.

Where did grilled cheese and tomato soup originate?

The combination of tomato soup and grilled cheese has been around since WWII when feeding hungry seamen.

School lunch programs, after WWII, were added to the menu because of the added vitamin C that it provides.

They are flavorful and a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, vitamin K, fiber, beta-carotene, and antioxidants. In a nutshell: a very healthy recipe for all of us.

Secret ingredients:

Saffron: I added saffron to give it that extra boost of flavor. Not only it adds a savory, spicy undertone to your soup, but it also adds that beautiful red-orange color.

Carrots and onions: Add the extra richness in flavor to your soup and balance the acidity of the tomatoes once cooking.

Chicken stock: I always use sodium free. A rich homemade will enhance this tomato soup recipe.

Heavy Cream: Thicken this wonderful soul and plays beautifully with the tomatoes and saffron.

Egg yolk: Add extra texture and flavor to the soup.

French country bread: I love the crispiness of it when you use it for grilled cheese.

Unsalted butter: preferred as it will not add extra salt to your cooking.

Cheddar cheese: Use a good sharp cheddar.

I am sure each of you must have your Mother's tomato soup recipe. We always had it for lunch, from a can like Campbell's. Later, we bought it in a cardboard container from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. The grilled cheese was always made with white bread and sliced American cheese. Now, we use sour dough, and a fancier, tastier cheese.

The best tomato soup I have ever had was a totally unexpected snack at the Lima, Peru airport. Our flight back to the US was delayed, so we decided to wait in a nearby airport cafeteria. I decided to have tomato soup since I was not very hungry. Sheri ordered a grilled cheese sandwich, and Mike ordered a burger. We tasted the soup, and immediately went over to buy two more bowls of soup. Meanwhile, the grilled cheese, though initially ignored, was just as good. Who knew it would be so good!

To this day, that was the best tomato soup and grilled cheese.


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