


I am a girl swiftly approaching the big 30 and decided that its time to take life by the horns and finally go and see this big old world that we live in.
I will be travelling around China and then hopefully on to Japan all things permitting. I will get the oppertunity to teach in a Chinese school and see so many amazing things!!

So time to tuck my nerves in my belt and just go for it!! nobody will hand you the world you have to go out and get it!!

Wish me luck i think im going to need it big scaredy cat that i am.

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap April 14th 2017

I arrived in Siem Reap after a 6 hour bus journey from Phnom Pen. Settled in and went for a walk if you want to go shopping Siem Reap is the place to go the markets are never ending with everything you can imagine in almost every colour i had to treat myself to one or two things it would be rude not to. I swiftly found pub street and enjoyed sitting with a cold beer watching the world go by listening to live music from the bar across the street (the one i was in had cheaper beer). I wandered back to the hostel and had some dinner. My first night was pretty quiet and headed to bed reasonably early, i had some planning to do and couldn't decide which dicker to buy for Angkor ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Phnom Penh April 3rd 2017

Kampot is a sleepy little riverside town its pretty and peaceful. I stayed in a fairly new hostel called Jetzt and a girl who lives not far from me at home so we hung out together for a few days. The place we were staying was owned by three fun Swedish guys who really did everything to make sure their guests were happy I was very impressed. Walking along the river was really nice all lit up on both sides with brightly coloured bridges going over. We went and found a desert shop and pigged out on ice cream and cake. The first night a guest in the dorm decided to drink to much and throw up all over the place (gross) and while they cleaned the room they sent us back to the bar for ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » South » Sihanoukville March 29th 2017

My 12 hour journey to Sihanukville turned in to a 16 hour journey by the time i arrived. When i got to the hostel the party was still in full swing definitely different to where i came from there were quite a few people worse for wear and i saved some guy from himself as he tried to repeatedly lean back on a bar stool. The bar finished around 1am so not too bad and i went to bed slept fine until around 5am when a group of people decided to get back from which ever party they had been to and were making so much noise for what felt like forever but in reality was about 30 minutes but that's still pretty annoying at that time. The next day i spent on the beach and ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City March 14th 2017

Due to the flight cock up i actually arrived an hour earlier than i was supposed to but still no public transport so had to use my haggling skills on the taxis. Driving through the city i started to realise how much im fed up of huge cities their all crazy with traffic and the prices are all higher staying in Hoi An really changed my idea of places i want to spend my time over the next few months. Although my hostel is nice and clean bug free.... its pretty close to everything as well so i think ill survive haha. I spent my first day adjusting to the heat and nursing my bug ridden poor body i went for a short walk but felt so exhausted that i came back and had an afternoon ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Da Nang March 14th 2017

Leaving the airport in Hue agreed a price with a taxi driver for him to then get pulled over leaving the airport by security to check his paperwork ended up sitting in the taxi for 15 minutes waiting so when he got back in the car i gave him a new price and said it was a waiting fee he didn't argue. The hostel i arrived at was very nice and friendly the girl that greeted me even carried my case up the stairs saying she had muscles. Once i was settled in i went for a nice walk down the river to soak up the sunshine its amazing what difference a bit of sunlight can do to your mood. I found a nice little spot along the river to sit and watch the world go ... read more

Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast March 4th 2017

Quickest day in Hong Kong ever arrived at my hostel around 4pm with a broken elevator i had to climb 9 floors with all of my luggage not a happy happy. After swapping around all my bags i shot off to the post office to see if it would bankrupt me to send a box home. Later i met up a friend who is kindly taking care of my luggage and he invited me to dinner with his family home cooked food! Was very nice to sit and chat for a few hours before heading back to the hostel for sleep. Early next day shipped my box off and headed to the airport again god im becoming a regular. I arrived in Hanoi only a few hours later and just as i arrived at my hostel ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Shinjuku February 27th 2017

Arrived in Tokyo and it is a huge difference from the little town of Fujisan every building looks a million foot high. I got off the bus and i think i stood in one spot for about 30 minutes trying to figure out which route to take out of the bus station alone god help me eh. Finally i gave up and went to the tourist information centre and got some directions to my hostel and off i went. Checked in and tried some takoyaki balls in the restaurant must admit not my favourite thing that ive tried here but they were ok. I then decided to go for a walk on to find that it was pouring down with rain i walked and walked only to find that i had gotten myself completely lost and ... read more

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji February 18th 2017

Mount Fuji is breathtaking and i was soooo lucky with the weather when i arrived the visibility was 100% i could see everything right to the top of the mountain amazing i had heard the weather was hit and miss for being able to see the top and considering i only have one day here super lucky. The bus journey wasn't too bad and i actually did manage to get some sleeep on the bus wrapped up in my blanket with eye mask and earplugs. I climbed to the top of a hill where there is a famous pagoda all of the postcards from Mount Fuji are taken from this view and i actually got to stand their and take my own and of course a few selfies. It feels quite magical to look at something ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto February 17th 2017

So last night i was super helpful in making sure no cocktails were wasted they even put alcohol in the ones that were for display so i drank the as well haha. New day new adventure and today's adventure is Arashiyama although the weathers not to good but I'm sure it wont rain to heavily haha famous last words. I took the train from about 20 minutes to get there and then quickly found my way to the bamboo path via another temple that required me parting with my money for entry. When i was walking through the path it was impossible to guess how many bamboo trees were actually there maybe thousands lining each side of the pathway and easily deep enough on each side to not be able to see where they ended like ... read more

Asia » Japan » Kyoto » Kyoto February 16th 2017

Having spent a little bit of time planning last night today went a lot smoother but no less tiring. I invested in a bus pass today having spent a fortune on transport yesterday but that had a lot to do with repeatedly getting lost oops. Anyway first stop of the day was Nijo Castle, a very old traditional building surrounded by lush gardens, archways and beautiful scenery. Inside the castle I was unfortunately unable to take any photographs as they say it will damage the wall art but then in the same breathe they tell you that the art on the walls are copies and if you want to see the originals you can pay to go in to the museum on site. Convenient. The building was large and quite creaky with perfect wooden flooring throughout ... read more

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