Mount Fuji

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Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji
February 18th 2017
Published: March 9th 2017
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Mount Fuji is breathtaking and i was soooo lucky with the weather when i arrived the visibility was 100% i could see everything right to the top of the mountain amazing i had heard the weather was hit and miss for being able to see the top and considering i only have one day here super lucky.

The bus journey wasn't too bad and i actually did manage to get some sleeep on the bus wrapped up in my blanket with eye mask and earplugs.

I climbed to the top of a hill where there is a famous pagoda all of the postcards from Mount Fuji are taken from this view and i actually got to stand their and take my own and of course a few selfies. It feels quite magical to look at something so naturally beautiful. The hostel i stayed n here was so quite an older guy ran the place and it was just like a little house no shoes allowed past the entrance and i got red fluffy slippers to walk around in. He told me that there was a fireworks display at the lake later that night and i adore fireworks so of course I'm going made my way to the lake and got there around 4pm i walked right the way around the lake and took some nice pictures i found a shop for a nice hot coffee but then there wasn't much else to do and it was only 5pm the fireworks were not until 8 and i was tired and freezing so abandoned the idea of waiting around very quickly and headed back to the hostel. Planned on getting a pretty early bus up to Tokyo that was until the lovely guy in the hostel started teaching me how to make origami cranes and I sat for nearly two hours trying to perfect these little birds. I eventually had to go and ran for the bus luckily there was one ticket left for that bus and away i went Tokyo here i come

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