Page 5 of el Jefe Travel Blog Posts

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah October 14th 2015

Borneo! The mere mention of this name conjures up all sorts of exotic images of lush jungles, beautiful beaches, headhunter lore, remote tribes and longhouses...I have been captivated by this place for years; it started with seeing the movie Farewell to the King in the 80's and from its depiction of Borneo it looked like one of the most remote and exotic locales in the world...and now I was finally here! We were to start our adventure in the northern state of Sabah before working our way down to Sarawak...we had a tough time choosing what to see and do here, there are a ton of options and we ultimately ended up scrapping the eastern portion of Sabah due to time/logistic constraints to focus more on the west and northwestern coast... Touched down in Kota Kinabalu ... read more
Soaked to the bone...
Boats in KK
Fresh Fish in KK...

Asia » Singapore October 11th 2015

Finally on the move again, first and last stop to be Singapore with Borneo being the main destination in the middle...after 30 hours of travel (Asia is sooo far for us Central/Eastern Canucks) we arrived at some dark late hour to a quiet town on the cusp of back-to-work Monday, with wonderful heat and humidity thrown in for good measure...after checking into the hotel we wandered down to Clarke Quay for a well-deserved pint and soon made our next discovery: 15 SGD small bottles of Tiger...d'oh! We then realized we hadn't done a lot of homework for Singapore, we were only to be here for less than 48 hours at the front end and 24 at the back, what could go wrong?? After some expensive pints we headed back to the hotel, wondering if we would ... read more
Infamous Singapore Sling...
Marina Bay Sands in the Haze

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon October 30th 2014

October 30th, 2014 After being dragged away kicking and screaming from Ngapali Beach we finally made our way to Yangon, last stop on the adventure...sad to see it come to an end, and with spending the extra day at the beach it only left the balance of this day and most of the next before we flew back home... After sorting out our hotel and waiting out a torrential rain storm we decided to get our bearings and wander around the neighbourhood, slowly making our way to the Bogyoke Aung San Market (formerly known as the Scott Market). The covered market is huge; full of textile, gold, jade vendors along with spots to eat, pretty cool...if you're looking for last minute souvenirs (and especially jewelry) this is the spot, although to be honest with the exception ... read more
Gold Buddhas...
Shwedagon Paya
A quick prayer...

Asia » Burma » Western Burma » Ngapali October 26th 2014

October 26th, 2014 Well, this will be an easy post to complete: we did absolutely nothing here but relax and eat seafood...done. Well, okay, we did a few things but overall this was all about down time on a beach, something we like to fit in on our travels if possible... Took a flight from Inle and arrived at Thandwe about an hour later...we had kind of half-booked a place called Lin Thar Oo on a recommendation from our hosts at PYI Guest House and they sent a bus to pick us up which worked out fine...accommodation here can be expensive (most are well north of $100 USD a night for a spot with beach views), and after checking out a couple of rooms and some negotiations we settled on a cool bungalow pretty much on ... read more
Our Bungalow...
On the beach...

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Inle Lake October 22nd 2014

October 22nd, 2014 Our next stop on the adventure was to be Inle Lake, famous for its leg-rowing fishermen and stilt-house villages...decided to suck it up and take a minibus instead of flying, thereby saving a substantial amount of money...and while overland here is slow (was supposed to take 6 hours, took more than 8) it did provide some great vistas and views, worth it in the end...although the driver was a bit nuts and there were some white knuckle moments, especially on some of the narrow cliff-side roads in the mountains...gah... Arrived at Nyaung Shwe, launch point for Inle Lake, and the first hotel we were aiming for was fully booked, so left our packs there and started the hunt for accommodations...checked out four or five before settling on PYI Guest House, great spot...nine bungalows ... read more
The Jetty
A little footy...

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Bagan October 19th 2014

October 19, 2014 After 2+ busy days of constant motion in Mandalay it was off to stop number two: Bagan...famous for its fields of temples, was really looking forward to diving in and exploring them... Decided on taking the "fast" slow boat from Mandalay as our means of transportation, this would mean a relaxed 9 hour journey down the Ayeyarwady River (there is also a "slow" slow boat, spoke to an Austrian couple who had taken it and it was apparently 13 hours...yikes...). After the two bustling days in Mandalay this was just what the doctor ordered; a nice leisurely cruise with nothing to do but watch the river, countryside and world float by...fantastic... There were only about sixteen of us on the boat, which was great because that meant plenty of seating and you could ... read more
The Fast Slow Boat to Bagan
The Wild One?

Asia » Burma » Mandalay Region » Mandalay October 16th 2014

October 16, 2014 Ah Burma, the mystical land of Kipling and Orwell...the Lovely K had always wanted to see Myanmar (Burma), and we figured it would be best to see it sooner rather than later as the country is in the process of opening up more and more to from Bangkok it was a direct flight to Mandalay to begin the adventure... Visa process at home was interesting, and with the guide books mentioning that there were no ATM's, Visa was rarely used and to bring all your money in new, creaseless/pristine American dollars (preferably $100 bills) I wasn't quite sure what to expect when we arrived...but customs was quick, the money changers at the airport did inspect the bills as if they were purchasing some rare antiques but in the end it was pretty ... read more
U Bein Bridge
Gold Leaf Buddha

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok October 13th 2014

October 13, 2014 Another year, time for a new adventure...this time it was to be Myanmar, with a few days of acclimation in Bangkok...more on Myanmar (Burma) later... For now it was Bangkok; arrived later than expected due to flight delays so missed a good chunk of the first day, but after a good nap and some orientation over a pint we discovered that the location of the hotel we were at (Navalai) was perfect...5-10 minute walk to the infamous Khao San Road, right on the water and more importantly there was a water taxi stop right at the hotel, soooo convenient for much of our exploring over the following days... Day 1 was just spent poking around the neighbourhood; crossed the street from our hotel and dove into the back streets where all sorts of ... read more
Grand Palace
Let's Get Ready to Rumble!
Standing Guard

Europe » Greece » South Aegean » Santorini October 20th 2013

October 20, 2013 After much procrastination and holiday cheer I figured I'd better get this blog done before I forget some of the finer details of our stay on Santorini... K and I always like to plunk ourselves down in one spot for a couple of days when traveling, especially if we have been moving around a lot so planned a good five day stop in the mighty Santorini...decided to take the ferry from Athens, which stopped at four other islands along the way, figured it would be a cool way to travel and it was...long though, 5 1/2 hours but it was a beautiful day and the seas were calm so not too bad... Arrived just after lunch, found our shuttle from the hotel so it was into the van and away we went...after much ... read more
Volcano selfie...
Sunset in Oia...

Europe » Greece » Thessaly » Meteora October 17th 2013

October 17, 2013 After long debates as to where we should go and what we should see when we got to Greece, we ultimately went with recommendations from a couple of friends that used to live there and added Meteora to our itinerary...decided to do an organized tour due to our time constraints, so headed out early in the morning with an overnight excursion that would include Delphi, Thermopylae, overnight in Kalambaka and then visit a couple of the monasteries of Meteora in the morning...okay! Hooked up with the tour and headed out of town, first stop Delphi...considered to be the navel of the Earth by the ancient Greeks and home of the oracles, it is a beautiful site perched on the side of Mt. Parnassos...fantastic spot, spent some time with the guide from our tour ... read more
View from Ancient Delphi...
This is Sparta!

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