el Jefe's Guestbook

14th November 2023

Karnak and more
It's tough getting behind on blogs. Hopefully, you'll have time to get caught up as we enjoy your travels. Temple fatigue is real. One does have to ponder what life was really like during those times.
15th November 2023

Karnak and more
Thanks guys, always nice hearing from you...the age and history was truly mind-boggling, loved it...
1st April 2023
The man himself?

Ancient Egypt
So many stories... they have been well preserved. We loved our time in this part of the world.
2nd April 2023
The man himself?

Ancient Egypt
So many stories indeed...it surprised me how much I enjoyed my time here, fantastic place...
19th March 2023
Mural in KV11-Ramesses III

Oh my Queen
What mysterious tale does this mural depict, I wonder? An intriguing tale no doubt.
20th March 2023
Mural in KV11-Ramesses III

Oh my Queen
I'm sure we learned some of the story, our guide was really knowledgeable, but we heard so much history, stories and who-smote-who that it was hard to keep track lol...
19th March 2023

Simplicity and perfection in overdrive. Sensational image!
20th March 2023

Think the scarabs were my favourite part lol....
19th March 2023
KV11-Ramesses III

Rameses III
Sensational image, Jeff...clarity and balance that excites me to overcome all resistance to date that has resulted in me not yet visiting there. I have been to many amazing places on roads less travelled but if I can avoid the hordes I have to find a way to make Egypt as clear in my plans as your images must have been in yours!
20th March 2023
KV11-Ramesses III

Rameses III
It's funny, Egypt was never high on my list, more of a "would be nice" type of thing, and somehow out of the blue we chose it last year, and really glad we did, exceeded my expecations certainly...and it was hard to wrap my head around the age and condition of the images seen on this trip...
19th March 2023
Hieroglyphics at KV9-Ramesses V & VI

Hieroglyphics of the Valley of the Kings
This is a super impressive blog, Jeff. I am posting many of your pics in TB's "Rock Art of the World" thread in the Photography Forum. Definitely worth checking out!!!
20th March 2023
Hieroglyphics at KV9-Ramesses V & VI

Hieroglyphics of the Valley of the Kings
Wow, thanks Dave, will certainly check out the Rock Art thread, thanks for adding some of my pics!
30th December 2022
Carvings at Kom Ombo IV

Rich in History
It is an amazing location.
24th November 2022

Abu Simbel
An impressive location. We enjoyed our time there.
From Blog: Abu Simbel
24th November 2022

Abu Simbel
It truly is impressive, both the site itself and the fact it was moved...would be a shame to visit Egypt and miss this place...
From Blog: Abu Simbel
12th November 2022
Ramesses II kicking ass...

Rock Art
I have posted some of your pics in TB's "Rock Art of the World" thread in the Photography Forum. Awesome!!! Check 'em out.
From Blog: Abu Simbel
13th November 2022
Ramesses II kicking ass...

Very cool...
...did not know about that thread, thanks for posting some of my stuff, will certainly check it out!
From Blog: Abu Simbel
12th November 2022
Carvings in the Small Temple

Oh man...what have I been thinking thinking?
Having travelled in 16 Provinces in China and planned for and visited as many carved grottoes as I could, I am amazed I have continually avoided Egypt. Wow wow wow. Your pics and descriptions Jeff...are more than enticing!!!
From Blog: Abu Simbel
13th November 2022
Carvings in the Small Temple

Thanks Dave! Must say I couldn't get enough of the temples, from the carvings to hieroglyphics to statues, all incredible...
From Blog: Abu Simbel
1st November 2022

We loved Egypt
We loved our time in Egypt. Rich in beauty and history. The museums are amazing.
From Blog: Cairo
3rd November 2022

Agreed, I really couldn't get enough of the temples and thoroughly enjoyed my time at the museum...will be worth a revisit when that new museum finally opens...
From Blog: Cairo
28th October 2022

Many years ago, someone once gave me a gift of a perfume when they returned from Egypt (which I thought was a bit of a weird present) - it all makes sense now :) How nice to finally get your bag back!
28th October 2022

Yeah, strange place, they have the formulas for all the major perfumes/colognes, we sampled a few and some purchased but again not my thing...and yes it was definitely nice to see my bag again, the group was getting worried I was going to start asking for donations lol...
28th October 2022

I think I would absolutely love the Bibliotheca Alexandrina too. What an amazing sounding place :)
From Blog: Alexandria
28th October 2022

Oh yeah, the main hall was beautifully and naturally lit, looked like a wonderful place to hang out...
From Blog: Alexandria

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