Page 4 of el Jefe Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Iceland » East September 8th 2016

The following two days were more about the drive than anything else; no big attractions or sights to see on our agenda...we hadn't really made up our minds as to where our next stop would be after Myvatn; the options were either the small town of Borgarfjordur Eystri where there was some hiking and a Puffin colony, or skip that and stop at Seydisfjordur which has a small artistic community and the possibility of doing some kayaking in the fjord there...after speaking with some locals and discovering that the Puffins had moved out for the year, that pretty much settled it for us: Seydisfjordur it would be... So off we went, it was unfortunately the worst day weather-wise as it rained the whole day...but again with nothing really planned we just took our time and eventually ... read more
Lovely K on the Red Chair...
Lagoon of swans...

Europe » Iceland » North » Mývatn September 7th 2016

This day was to be one of the shorter drives, with a number of sites and activities to check out so after our morning coffee we were on our way...after a wrong turn we got back on track and were headed to our first stop of the day: Dettifoss waterfall... We were told that the road from Asbyrgi to Dettifoss wasn't paved, and after finding the correct turnoff we were surprised to see a paved road...wicked! Cruising along merrily when unfortunately that wonderful stretch of asphalt suddenly ended and sure enough the dirt road began...It was then we were to discover that not only was this a dirt road, but it was full of potholes...couldn't drive more than 20 or 30 meters before having to slow down and negotiate through oftentimes deep water-filled holes, it was ... read more
Dettifoss III
Myvatn Nature Bath
Geothermal exhaust...

Europe » Iceland » North September 5th 2016

After a great introduction to Iceland in Reykjavik it was now time to go mobile and see some more of the island...the Ring Road circumnavigates the entire country, and our objective was to make the loop and check out as much as we could along the way... We had originally planned on just renting a car and doing the trip, staying at hotels/cottages or whatever other accommodations we could find, but after seeing the costs of hotels the Lovely K came up with a brilliant idea: what about a camper van? Hmm, okay! Did some digging and found some companies that rented them, and after comparing costs the small vans weren't all that much more expensive than a the campsites were $30 instead of $200+ a night for us Canucks...settled on Go Campers after reading ... read more
The Lovely K...
First stop...
Whalin' selfie...

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík September 2nd 2016

And now for something completely different...having done most of our traveling in warmer climes, we decided to take a detour and head to a more northern destination this time: Iceland! Seems to be the popular locale right now, and after visiting I can certainly understand why...the plan was to be here for ten days (a couple in Reykjavik, 7 days driving/camping around the Ring Road and a final day at Blue Lagoon) followed by three more in Amsterdam...wicked! Arrived in Reykjavik at the tender hour of 6 am, and after the somewhat obligatory stop at the duty free in the airport (best prices in the country for wine/spirits apparently) we arrived at our hotel an hour later...due to the exorbitant costs of hotel rooms (and frankly everything else) we opted to not book the night we ... read more
Tasty pints at my new favourite local...
Statue on waterfront

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Santa Cruz Island April 26th 2016

Arrived late afternoon to our final stop of the Galapagos; Santa Cruz...most folks start here, a lot of the cruises leave from this most populous island of the archipelago and it certainly has the most infrastructure of the islands we saw...a few things planned but with only two full days here and it being the end of the line we certainly wanted to squeeze in a little more relaxin'... Having already stopped here in transit to Isabela we had a bit of the lay of the land which was great...on our previous stop we managed to take in the Charles Darwin Research Station which was cool, although a large portion of it was under renovations so the museum was closed and the baby tortoises had been relocated which was a drag...a couple of pens of the ... read more
Tortoises at CDRS
Waiting for Scraps...

South America » Ecuador » Galápagos » Isabela Island April 22nd 2016

With a great introduction to the Galapagos on San Cristobal (and a stopover on Santa Cruz) we arrived at our second destination: Isabela. Largest of the Islands, and also the least populated (of the ones with folks on them at any rate) we approached this stop as a chance to chill out in between sightseeing adventures...decided on spending a bit more as well to be on the beach on a recommendation, and couldn't have worked out better... Arrived late afternoon to Puerto Villamil, and after a short taxi ride into town we settled into our digs for the next few days, Casa Los Delfines...great place, the woman who runs it is really sweet, we had access to a large balcony on the third floor overlooking the beach/ocean and the included breakfasts were delicious... Once settled we ... read more
Volcan Sierra Negra
How You Doin'?

Ah Galapagos, the place has always held a fascination for me; the diversity of land and marine animals, volcanoes, land of Darwin's origins of Evolution and the sheer remoteness, what's not to like?? This has always been in my top ten of must sees, and now it was time to explore... The conventional way to see the Galapagos is aboard a boat and cruising from spot to spot, but after seeing how bloody expensive this option was we decided to island hop our way around...while not seeing as much perhaps there was still plenty of opportunity for wildlife watching and best of all at our own pace (after speaking to several travelers over the course of our trip we discovered that the cruises were indeed pretty cool and that last minute opportunities were available at a ... read more
Taking flight...
On the way to Kicker Rock...
I'm fabulous!

South America » Ecuador » North » Quito April 17th 2016

Arrived in Quito in the wee hours of the morning, mere hours after the largest earthquake in years had shaken the country, in some spots to the foundations...having been about 2 hours out from Quito when the plane received word of the earthquake we were diverted twice, including an unplanned stop in Panama to refuel and wait for further instructions...the info was sorted out and we were given the go-ahead to proceed to Quito, not really sure as to what would be waiting for us when we arrived... Bizarre beginning to say the least, we got up and started gathering more info as to what had happened, what/where the damage was and sadly what the casualties and injuries were...the plan was to be in Quito for two days then head off to the Galapagos Islands for ... read more
La Mitad del Mundo
Plaza Grande
View from Cruz Loma

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching October 25th 2015

After a fantastic time stumbling through the jungle it was now time to head (back) to Kuching, our final stop in Borneo...we had originally set aside almost five full days here, with the intention of doing two or three day trips but we were now down to just four with having lost a day the previous week... No matter, arrived and made our way to our lodgings; a really cool boutique hotel near the waterfront called Batik...great place, rooms were good, location was great but it was the folks that worked there that really made the difference...very welcoming, would take the time to help with any activities we wanted to set up, but most of all we enjoyed sitting and chatting with them at their funky little bar over a cold beer... Orangutans and Bako National ... read more
Working Hard...
On the Beach II

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Gunung Mulu National Park October 21st 2015

After one failed attempt to get to Gunung Mulu National Park and an unplanned evening in Kuching (due to the Haze mentioned in a previous post the pilot couldn't see the runway so we were diverted to Kuching), the weather decided to cooperate and we safely touched down in Mulu, the beginning of our jungle adventure in Borneo... This is one of the stops I couldn't wait to get to, and with a full slate of activities planned over the next 3-4 days it was going to be busy...checked into our hotel, and as the accommodations in the park itself were all booked we decided to rough it at the five star Marriott resort, sweet! Not a big selection of accommodation here, there are some dorm style hostels just outside the park entrance but we figured ... read more
The Explorers
Riverbank II

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