Blogs from Algeria, Africa


Africa » Algeria June 25th 2018

After 40 years living in exile in the desert. All they want is to return home. Murray... read more
Delivering water to Sahrawi refugees in Algeria
Deep water well pumping water in the desert for refugee community
Water distribution point in the Sahrawi refugee camp

Africa » Algeria » South » I-n-Salah June 19th 2014

So I sold my rings and got around 50000 dinar. Then I finally got around to going to my friends house. He had given me the address 10 years ago and told me to drop by anytime. when I got the the address there was a giant sand dune, with a sign that said come back in ten years. Supossidly this dune has been moving forward covering houses until it passes again and they are resurrected. I thought that this could be a free place to stay- so I started digging it took all day but I fiannaly reached the inside of the house and the inside was completely untouched. There was even canned food and 3 bottles of 5 times distilled Potato Vodka. This was such a good evening. I lit some candles and relaxed ... read more

Africa » Algeria » South » I-n-Salah June 18th 2014

So I was forced out of Chile after I ran into the one of the inmates I knew in prison and he is convinced I owe him money.. I really need to relax and I have a friend in Algeria, luckily I made some cash on last nights card game so I am going to live it up. I just arrived last night and already almost broke, I hit my head on the bunk of the hostel and think I am bleeding a bit on the pillow. I hope I dont get fined. I am gong to explore more of Algeria tomorrow when my head is strait. Might cut out the drinking for one night as I am having severe stomach cramps and haveing to urinate quite often. It is hot and sticky here I need ... read more

Africa » Algeria » South » Béchar December 31st 2013

I can't recall how exactly we located our new lodgings in Taghit. As I mentioned before, I was happy to entrust the logistics to the others. Apparently Mustaffa, the restaurant owner, had arranged things. We were to stay in the house of a local man a few kilometres north of the town. Like a typical desert inhabitant he had a dark complexion. He was slight of stature and it was hard to gauge from his neutral expression how pleased he was having us inhabit his home. I was unsure how much we were paying but Sofian assured me that the price was negotiated beforehand. The house was a modern structure, one of half a dozen or so on either side of a dusty street beyond which was a large expanse of dusty flat-land and the main ... read more

Africa » Algeria » South » Béchar December 29th 2013

Whilst I can by no means call myself a seasoned traveller I think I can honestly refer to myself as a seasoned commuter. It is somewhat ironic because for quite some time I hated travelling away from home. I suppose there are reasons for that but life today necessitates travel and there wasn't any escaping it. The first time I travelled on a commercial airliner I was absolutely petrified. That was only a regional flight between Harare and Johannesburg en route to Port Elizabeth and university. A year later I was on a trans-continental flight to visit my aunt and uncle in Singapore and I vowed it would be the last time, but a considerable number of flights later I could finally breathe easier at altitude without feeling that strange and panicky detachment from the world ... read more

Africa » Algeria » East December 28th 2013

Despite the determination of the taxi driver to get us to Sétif in no time at all once we were out of the main traffic around the capital I could breath a little easier and even enjoy some of the surrounding scenery. Particularly impressive were the snow-clad peaks of a range of mountains to the north which Sofian referred to as Berberland. I remember arriving in Sétif around nightfall. Sofian had mentioned something about a football match that we might try and watch on arrival. I had just nodded, quite happy for him to set the agenda. As it happened the city stadium was right opposite the coach station and main taxi rank. I was immediately aware of the dazzling floodlighting and the chanting of the local supporters. By the look of things the ground was ... read more

Africa » Algeria » North » Algiers December 26th 2013

I must confess... It was something of a relief to be leaving England on Boxing Day, 2013. Much of the countryside had been inundated by the incessant rain of the week leading up to Christmas. Although the temperatures had been mild for the most part, the rain literally put a dampener on most activities. It was living up to its colloquial name marvellously well: mud island. I jetted out of Gatwick Airport at a modest 0930 hrs (we had been delayed an hour by the shear amount of baggage the Algerian-dominated passenger contingent was trying to take aboard) and I took a shot (photo section) with my phone - in flight mode of course - looking west along the southern coast of the UK just to the east of the port city of Southampton. During ... read more

Africa » Algeria » South » Adrar December 13th 2012

Español / Català Benabderramane Mahdi is tall. Very tall. He’s also very thin. And if we add a four feet long chèche, the turban kind used by touaregs, he is even taller. In his stays in Barcelona, sometimes he wandered through Gracia neighbourhood streets, looking for the same sort of tea he and his friends used to drink when they are in the desert: a Zhejiang Gunpowder green tea. He particularly loved this kind of tea. Nothing happened when he dressed a western suit with a tie. Even stylish. But he loved to dress as he was always in the desert, a blue ... read more

Africa » Algeria March 18th 2012

I have now left new zealand and made it to australia, where im currently staying with some friends in melbourne. They live in a top floor appartment pretty much in the central city so its amazing! from my room (which is about 5 star quality!) i can see the sea and pretty much half of the city. its first time iv slept in a room not surrounded by 10 other sweaty travellers for 2 months which makes it even better! The Australian grand prix is on at the moment and the track is literally about 200 yards away so i can sit on the balcony and watch lewis and jensen beat the aussies its amazing! My plan is too stay here for about a week or so then im going to move up to sydney where ... read more

Africa » Algeria » North » Annaba March 9th 2012

Im not in algeria! This site doesnt do well on my tablet, so please follow me at read more

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