golden rain

Algeria's flag
Africa » Algeria » South » I-n-Salah
June 18th 2014
Published: June 18th 2014
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So I was forced out of Chile after I ran into the one of the inmates I knew in prison and he is convinced I owe him money.. I really need to relax and I have a friend in Algeria, luckily I made some cash on last nights card game so I am going to live it up. I just arrived last night and already almost broke, I hit my head on the bunk of the hostel and think I am bleeding a bit on the pillow. I hope I dont get fined. I am gong to explore more of Algeria tomorrow when my head is strait. Might cut out the drinking for one night as I am having severe stomach cramps and haveing to urinate quite often. It is hot and sticky here I need to buy some shorts. I will try to make some cash tomorrow, possibly will sell off some of my rings, I dont mind as they where a gift from someone who has recently died, and I think they would want me to have the money.


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