Arrival in Dehli

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September 12th 2017
Published: September 12th 2017
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We left Auckland at midnight on 4 Sept and had a great flight Premium Economy on Air New Zealand 787-9. We arrived 630am Tues 6 in Singapore and spent 6 hours in The Ambassader Transt Hotel which was great...had a shower and a sleep and caught flight to Dehli at around 6pm with arrival at 830pm Dehli time. Getting through immigration etc was no trouble and we met Gets Travel rep without any trouble.

If we thought Auckland traffic was bad then Dehlis is off the Richter scale...mind you there are 20 million people here.There do not seem to be any road rules apart from the rule of the horn. However we arrived safely at The Claridges which is a beautiful heritage hotel in New Dehli. The plan was to be picked up at 9am for a pedicab tour and visit to Mosque in Old Dehli and then a tour of points of interest in New Dehli. These two are like completely different cities...ND has wide tree lined streets and of course a large British influence while OD is a scene of chaos with narrow crowded streets, electrical cables everywhere.The poor little pedicab rider soon became exhausted riding us around and at times we felt we should walk...needless to say we gave him a pretty good tip. The rest of the days tour was a wee bit disappointing in that we were taken to what was obviously a restaurant that foreign tourista were taken to which is not what we wanted. Then after driving past various monuments such as the PMs place India gate etc we were taken to a Kashmiri crafts centre. We did however buy a rug which is beautiful. Then a lovely evening begining with drinks on the lawn followed by dinner in our room then bed as we were being collected at 630am the next morning to kalka where we are to change to the Toy train to Shimla.


13th September 2017

Have fun team Gould
Hi Sandra and John... Thinking of you both slumming it in those beautiful hotels while we keep New Zealand in business !! Things may change if Labour manage to sneak past National next weekend.. perish the thought!! Have fun.. loving your posts :-) xxx
14th September 2017

HI Jane & Dennis Got a it behind on the posts so trying to catch up and learn it bit more about it. May even get some photos up. Everything is going great although very hot now we are down from the Himalayas. We sent our vote in from Shimla. Go National..! J & S xx

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