Brighton Adventures

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August 9th 2017
Published: August 9th 2017
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Ohhhhhhh what a wonderful day (singing along I am)..... Adventures in Brighton town.....

Uncle Alan dropped Mel and I at St Peters Church on the green where we had arranged to pop in and say hi to the guys there (nope never met them before either of us) what a great place, they do so much in the community, have a great worship band and all sorts to help for single mums, the homeless, young children and adults. Amazing community spirit. Check them out

We then got a little lost finding our way through the lanes, looking for no fear I'm not relapsing on sugar! Was more the sights as Mel hasnt seen it before... Oh my gosh how sweet smelling it was, so sickly and crazy! Melanie couldn't get over all the jewelry shops in the lanes, and we didn't even touch 10%!o(MISSING)f them! We went into all sorts of clothes shops and charity/vintage places, was fun! And yes christie I got you a little something ❤️.

We then found Infinity foods and got ourselves a nice organic lunch of yummy soup and bread, and went in their shop too buying bits and pieces for lunch tomorrow with Alan and Maggi.

Off to M&S where we met up with a lovely lady, the daughter of one of our friends from the Wave, she's expecting soon and has had a bit of a rough ride, but she's smiling, has a lovely man by her side, wants to reconnect with God and hopefully today she's going to see the people at St Peters....

Mel and I then managed to find the right bus to get us back to the Marina, that was an interesting journey, in and out of the poor areas, interesting people on the bus ?, characters indeed, but it got us home, which is what counts!

Tomorrow we are (or maybe just I am ?) looking forward to a mouch round asda (not the food section.... ) and spending some time with Alan and Maggi and then we will be seeing Mel off to her friends later today.... We will be meeting up on Saturday at my gorgeous friends Catherine's.

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12th August 2017

I love Brighton too. Sounds like a great day cxxx

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