Stuck in Manaus..

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South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus
October 25th 2006
Published: November 1st 2006
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Welcome to Brazil!Welcome to Brazil!Welcome to Brazil!

On my first day in Manaus, I was sitting in the square, and this bunch come and did some capoeira while a camera man was shooting and a journalist interviewed the guys in between... Wow!
I arrived in Manaus early morning and the taxi took me to the center.. I arrived early on a sunday morning, which is not the day to DO things. Everything is closed and only one guy had his business open, for a little bit. I didn't really want to buy a jungle tour, cause they are so touristy and they pull down sloths (sengangare) from the trees and I don't like it. And the companies are usually called ECO-something, I say ECO whatever. I heard there are as many interpretations of ECO as there are people using the word, I think that it is true.. As I asked about the tours but didn't show interest in any of them, the salesman probably thought I was bothered by the price and after barganing (he did, not me) he sold a tour for possibly half price. I wonder how he made money on it. Surely not a problem, never mind, Mr Scam. All I care is that they don't pull the sloth down the tree. I'd seen pictures of that earlier and it looks nasty and I don't want to pay for the sloth's misery... In a way it's good that the forest
Teatro AmazonasTeatro AmazonasTeatro Amazonas

Went for a performance the first night in the famous theatre! A one man show in portuguese wasn't really my thing though..
and the wildlife is shown to people, but there's a certain limit to how much you can interfere with nature. So I made a big deal out of it, and in the end the other guys on the tour agreed we wouldn't pull that sloth down. We still caught an alligator and fished some piranhas. That wasn't that bad, in comparison. And when we went in the river boat, some fish with even more impressive teeth, called dog fish, jumped onto the boat. That's what we called humane fishing. They apparently wanted to come back home with us...

I was a bit disappointed with this touristy jungle tour, even if there were very few (and very nice) people on the tour. I think the idea of you being in the Amazonas is actually bigger than Amazonas itself. And it's huge. But what was I to expect, really, after living in the jungle in Costa Rica... nothing can beat that now, not even the Brazilian Amazonas! Or you have to get further into the jungle, not going on a touristy trip.

I don't have many photos from the trip but will hopefully be able to update them soon!
Cultural AmazonasCultural AmazonasCultural Amazonas

Never thought I'd be going to a gallery in Manaus.. I love this painter, Ademar Britto

Now after spending some waiting time in Manaus, I started enjoying hanging out with fellow travellers and brasilenos. I've been out dancing a few times and finally figured Forró out!! It's a fun dance, not like salsa, but still good.. Very interesting scenes too, there are always some very lightly dressed girls up on stage. The guys I went there with couldn't stop staring, while the local girls couldn't take their eyes off them.. However, they were much younger than they appeared and finding out the gorgeous girls were only 16 surely put them off. I got some chocking photos of the girls on stage (censured) but I'll give you a hint of the scene with one pic at least.

Also went to Ponta Negra, the beach where locals hang out on week ends. I don't know what to say about that place. The river (Rio Negro) is warm. It's very hot on the beach, still it feels cool when you get out of the water. The river is black and so are you after coming out of the water. EVERYONE stares. Not a touristy place, we apparently gave people something to talk about. All women weares G-string,
The meeting of the watersThe meeting of the watersThe meeting of the waters

Black and white, Rio Negro and Rio Solemoes
no matter the age. From the young girls to the the older ages that really shouldn't be wearing it... We stayed on around the beach and later on we saw a show where a man jumped through a ring of knives and something like thai boxing. What a day...

Things change, and so does my flight ticket. As many times as it can. Now I've bought the maximum time possible, that is going to the States in dec (12th) and back to Sweden in january (Stockholm 15 jan). It can't get later now, unless somebody gives me a job and pays for a new ticket. As if that will happen..

Thanks for all comments and messages!! Great to hear back from you and to know you went through all this stuff i keep writing! I'll keep writing then!! Next time!



Additional photos below
Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


Low seasonLow season
Low season

Very low water level so the roots are all out
Back to school!Back to school!
Back to school!

Our jungle guide Alan turned in to our portuguese teacher...
Visit at this native womanVisit at this native woman
Visit at this native woman

She's cuddling with this parrot, we were told they took care of it after it was found abandoned in the forest
Her son loved these sunnies Her son loved these sunnies
Her son loved these sunnies

He refused to return them at first. Later they were found hanging in a tree..
The floating river shopThe floating river shop
The floating river shop

Where we got our SKOL beer in the jungle..

1st November 2006

Hej! Är stolt över dig att du sa ifrån om sengångarna...Är underbart att höra lite då kan man drömma sig bort igen. Förresten kom första snön idag. Ska du dra iväg till Israel sen? Kram Vanja
2nd November 2006

to my Douther Helena II
HEj Helena, vilken överraskning från Dej!!!! kom brev o så många foto.Jag älskar att titta forst på dina foto för dem är så äkta o talande för sig själva. Hinner inte just nu läsa hela brevet men lägger den of line o sen ska njuta av den. Tack igen, kram på DEJ o njut varje minut av livet....jag ser att Du gör detta, underbar, många kramar, pappsen
2nd November 2006

Brahma & skol!
As minhas brasileiras son famosas! Voce fala portugues agora? Well, I was afraid you would miss Rio, until I read the previous-to-last parragraph. We all knew you wouldn't be back in Sweden by November! Enjoy your time in Brasil and drink some Brahma and guarana for us. Bom viagem!
2nd November 2006

Hej Helena! Jag försöker att skriva pa svenska, även om det ska finnas fel :) Hur fint var det att du fann min blog, du har jättefina fotona i din blog! Vi kom till La Paz i gor efter att tillbringa en vecka pa en flotbot, not much to say about that... Nu försöker vi handla om Andernas tunna luften. Hoppas att din resa ska fortga bra!
3rd November 2006

Kom hem!
Hej Helena, vi saknar dig!! När kommer du tillbaka? 15 jan? Ska du bli stockholmare nu eller? Lite besviken på att du censurerar bilder, men den 14 nov fyller jag år, så då kan du ju skicka ett privat mail. Här hemma händer inte så mycket förstås, förutom att vi fått en ny regering och gamle goe Göran dragit sig tillbaka till sitt gods. Också var det ju en sjuhelvetes storm häromdagen, all trafik krashade, bilarna stod i diket på E4 etc, ganska kul för den som inte drabbades. Om du stöter på vår gamle guide Rocky eller husapan Joel från Amazon Lodge ute i bushen kan du ju hälsa. Kramar från Jonathan. Hälsningar från Sarah också.
7th November 2006

Hey Helena
hola helena, fue un gusto conocerte aqui en Honduras y te deseo que la pases bien el resto de tu viaje,un abrazo a la distancia

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