This is your brain on island time.

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October 21st 2006
Published: October 24th 2006
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We arrived at the Sea Breeze beach house after dark on Saturday night, having discovered why it takes 45 minutes to go less than 20 miles. It's a small island and they're all residential roads.

The house is simply amazing. We initially couldn't find the third bedroom (honestly, how hard should it be to find a bedroom?) but discovered that it's a semi-detached master suite with separate entrance, private bath, private lanai, and separate kitchenette... perfect for my folks. We kids get the main unit with large kitchen, family room, two bedrooms and a shared bath. LG gets the futon in the main room, which works out OK because she's been trained from birth to sleep through all manner of commotion.

We arranged for a personal shopper to pre-stock our fridge with ingredients so we can eat in most days. The advance shopping is high on my list of good travel decisions. It was great having water and soda when we got in, and coffee, juice, fruit and cereal as soon as we woke up on our first full day.

Surprisingly, the Waimānalo birthday fairy also stopped by with a hula-themed Chantilly cake, table decorations and balloons for Laura, who turned 7 years old on our travel day. We had a tasty chocolate-macadamia feast before collapsing into our beds.

It's shocking, but I'm finding it pretty difficult to concentrate on blogging with all this tropical paradise going on. I'm sure more travel reports are forthcoming... at least, on island time....


25th October 2006

brain on island time = loon?
Sooooo, not to risk stating the obvious, but what sort of loon is on vacation, surrounded by tropical paradise, mai tais waiting to be had, and yet, surrounded by enough technical gadgetry to make James Bond envious, finds time to post a blog?

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