A bit weirdo

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Europe » Italy » Tuscany
September 11th 2014
Published: June 17th 2017
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Geo: 43.579, 11.2922

A loud thunderstorm woke me today. It has been going all night and I quite like it.

This morning we need to do a lot of travel planning and booking for the weeks ahead so spend a few hours on our devices. Hotels, car hire and flights were now booked for a week in France and then Sicily.

We had booked a cooking lesson in Greve for the afternoon, La Cantina, so were both looking forward to it. We had scoped the place out the night before and it looked ok, although a few strange people worked there.

We arrived for a 3.00pm start but were kept waiting outside, with prosecco, for 20 minutes or so. That's ok, the restaurant is busy with wine festival visitors and they are probably getting the kitchen ready. Eventually we were given our aprons and introduced to Nicolou and Mamma in the kitchen. Mamma speaks no English. Alessandro seems to be the manager of the place, Mamma's son, and he is taking care of us.

The menu is agreed, spinach and mozzarella flan, two types of homemade pasta, two sauces (ragu and fungi), chocolate fondant. Yummo. Let's go. Turns out Mamma does the cooking, we pretty much observe and take notes. Every now and then G or I grab a spoon and try to stir something, knead something, but it doesn't last long.

It's a long afternoon. Mamma and Nicolou are lovely but the restaurant is crazy busy and we are eventually forgotten in the corner while they are cooking for patrons. Really not good enough. Alessandro has taken a liking to me and I won't let G leave me alone. He is very weird and is more than a few sheep short in the top paddock. He has a hunch back (no I'm not joking) and looks like he would keep us in his basement.

We eventually ask for our food, eat very little of it, pay and bolt. Weirdo.

The wine festival is in full swing now in the square so we mooch around for a while to shake of the weirdo and then head home.

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16th September 2014

I thought you would have learned your lesson about attracting strange men in Italy!!

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