Boycott nazi lesbian lettuce growers..

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October 19th 2006
Published: October 20th 2006
Edit Blog Post what I saw on a childs t-shirt today.

I've also seen 'Juicy Bunny Slope' and 'When Girl and Boy fall in Love- Little Doggy'.

Another winner was 'There is nothing funny about a one eyed doggy'- which immediatley makes you think there IS something funny about a one eyed doggy (apologies to all visually impaired dogs- no offence intended)

Add to that a committed Christian wearing a t-shirt that had on the back of it every kind of drug known to man and we're onto a winner!

Who thinks this stuff up!


23rd October 2006

not really sure what to say to that one! Makes a change from Porn Star in the making, which is popular with teenage girls in Stanley!

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