Australia 2017

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March 4th 2017
Published: March 19th 2017
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We're back on the trail again! At the Kondalilla Falls National Park there is a well maintained trail that meanders down to the bottom of the tropical forested fjordes. The circular route is about 5 km and with the dramatic difference in elevation, it is very humid at the bottom. The Falls itself is less than spectacular as there is only a trickle of water even though Kondalilla is an aboriginal name meaning rushing water. (The whole area is experiencing a drought with water reserves down 20%). At one of the plateaus, and fed by the Falls, there is a lagoon that is popular for swimming with the locals. At the top of the trail the noise made by the Cicadas(type of cricket) is almost deafening. Obvious these species aren't nocturnal as are crickets from Chipman, N.B and since the noise is a mating call by the females, one can only assume there is a lot of romance going on in the forest!

The hike was moderately difficult although the high humidity made it a little more strenuous. The trail is not far from Montville, a very charming tourist town about 1 hour's drive from Noosa Heads. Our reward was a nice lunch at the local micro-brewery which served an interesting game plate that included, Crocodile cakes, Wild Boar sausage, Kangaroo prosciutto and washed down with a pint of Black Stout. Everything was delicious and tasted "just like chicken"! After the obligatory wandering through, what seemed like, thousands of shops, we headed back to Noosa Heads on scenic route that was quite enjoyable.

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21st March 2017

Your trip
Those Cicadas need to get a room! :). I received a message from Pat O'Keefe yesterday and he is enjoying his trip as well.

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