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Europe » Austria » Salzburg
August 19th 2016
Published: August 19th 2016
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August 17-18, 2016

Salzburg is known as the birthplace of Mozart and setting for the film “The Sound of Music.”

The hills are really alive in Salzburg. It has a population of only 150,000 (which includes 30,000 students) but receives 10,000,000 visitors a year. It is a beautiful city with the mountains all round and the river winding through it. The city is divided by the Salzach River, with medieval and baroque buildings of the pedestrian Altstadt (Old City) on its left bank, and 19th-century Neustadt (New City) on the right. The Festung Hohensalzburg, the city's fortress, was built in 1077 by Archbishop Gebhard, who made it his residence. It was greatly expanded during the following centuries. It is one of the largest medieval castles in Europe. It sits atop a hill from where you can see the whole city. It is quite the site

The name Salzburg means "Salt Castle". The name derives from the barges carrying salt on the Salzach River, which were subject to a toll in the 8th century and was customary for many communities and cities on European rivers.

Attached to our hotel ( Via Roma) is a fine italian restaurant called da giacomo. There is a nice terrasse at the back. In the 2 days we were here, we ate at this restaurant 3 times. After checking in, we had their lunch specials, the portions were so big no one could finish their meal.

Those of you who know Sue will be flabbergasted by the following - on our last night in Salzburg, we had to eat inside the restaurant because of the rain. Sue actually complained that it was too hot. Yes this is our Sue that wears a fleece in 30-degree weather.

We only spent 1 1/2 days in Salzburg. Not long enough even for a small city.

Take a look at the additional photos. Some of you will appreciate the name a the hair salon.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


Love locks on the bridge in SalzburgLove locks on the bridge in Salzburg
Love locks on the bridge in Salzburg

There are thousands of pad locks on this bridge with name of lovers and dates.
Market squareMarket square
Market square

There has been a market in this square for 1,000 years.

20th August 2016
Hair salon - family members will understand

I like a lot of arr in my haar.
Heh heh
21st August 2016

Love the Photos and Stories
The city looks amazing and based on your photos, you've had a lot of sunny days. I am surprised there are love locks in Salzburg but I guess all the tourist sites have then now. If my friend Moira were with you, she too would be wearing a sweater on a hot, humid day. Each to their own, I guess. Keep the stories coming and the photos.

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