Ulaanbaatar to Siberia - Irkukst

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Europe » Russia » Siberia
July 29th 2016
Published: July 29th 2016
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Day 5 - On the Train - Ulaanbaatar to Irkutsk

We awoke in the morning to discover the rest of the train had vanished leaving us (two carriages only - sans locomotive) at a Mongolian station on the border with Russia. We were initially allowed off the train but then we were surrounded by guards while we waited for the next locomotive or carriages to join us? Our passports were taken away again to be checked by who knows this time? We spent the majority of the day being shunted around across the border and then waiting on the Russian side until 3pm in the afternoon before the rest of the train was added and the locomotives showed up. During this time there were no toilet facilities on the train and the only ones were on the station (if the carriages were at a station at that time) You had to pay in either Mongolian or Roubles which ever country you were in at the time.

At last after 12 hours at the border crossing the train finally headed off to Irkukst. The train we were on seemed to be a local all stops carrier often stopping at stations where we were unable to see any platform or passenger movement but we stopped and stayed to regulation 2 minutes before heading off again. So after a long and jerk filled night we arrived at Irkukst at 7.15 the next morning.

Day 6 - Irkukst the capital of Siberia

We were taken to the hotel with our bags and then enjoyed a great breakfast nearby. Our guide or city ambassador met us at 9 and we began a 7 hour walk over the city. Sangia was obviously into history so we enjoyed 2 museums, one on the history of the area and the city (only settled in 1661) and the other, an original house of one of the Decembrist revolutionaries sent here as punishment in the early 19th century.

We also enjoyed seeing beautiful buildings, the embankment and a great lunch. We were exhausted by the end of the day but had learnt a lot and were thankful for an Irish Pub situated in the hotel where we could have dinner.

Today we will go for a walk and visit the churches that we didn't have a chance to see yesterday and some other areas. Our epic train journey begins at 6.20 tonight. We go from here to Moscow. This will take 4 nights and 3 days. We know that it stops for 19 minutes at most stations where we can get out and buy produce from the stalls. There is a dining car on this leg of the journey but we aren't sure how good it is. We will do some shopping this afternoon. The train gets in to Moscow at 4am so we get to go to the hotel to sleep and shower before beginning our tour of Moscow.

You will hear from us again from Moscow next Tuesday or Wednesday!!!!

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Us with his dogUs with his dog
Us with his dog

For Fin, Chase and Beau

29th July 2016
18 century fine bone china

Lucky Cassandra
Love those cups Cassandra. How spoilt are you that your parents would carry those for weeks in their luggage! We look forward to being invited around to 'tea'. Enjoy those 19 minutes train stops J & A

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