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June 22nd 2016
Published: June 22nd 2016
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As some of you have heard, Lukus and I are taking a “leap of faith” and adventuring out on the boat for a year. Leaving from Port Dover, we plan to head down to the Caribbean starting in August of 2016. While it promises to be an exciting and enjoyable experience, we feel in our hearts that this is also an opportunity to reach out and help others.

Despite the luxurious images that come to mind with the mention of “the Caribbean”; white beaches, fancy resorts and fun in the sun, there is still so much need and poverty. So, our goal is to make this a year of “acts of kindness”. As we wander, we plan to simply observe people and offer our assistance whenever it may be welcomed. Whether it is handing out scarce supplies (such as toothpaste and toilet paper), taking a homeless person to the grocery store, helping out with the construction of a fence on a farm, or playing with children in an orphanage, we want to try help meet their immediate needs as opposed to going with a set agenda of what we want to do to “fix” their situations. We do not want to base our actions on levels of poverty or wealth, what someone does or does not have, background or personal history. We want to simply perform a kind act to demonstrate love and compassion to anyone who is open to receive it. In essence, we simply want to pour out love with no conditions or expectations.

That being said, many of our friends have already asked us, what kind of supplies we need to help us accomplish this, how they might be able to help. One of my personal heart’s desires for a number of years is to work with orphans or children who have experienced trauma or disaster. During this year, I hope to be able to volunteer some time in orphanages in the Caribbean; Haiti being an area that especially pulls at my heart. The orphanages there have ongoing lists of needed supplies and so, we hope to be able to pack as much as possible on our boat to take down to them. I have also been in touch with a local Ontario woman who now lives in Barbados and has become involved in raising donations of supplies for children in need in her area and she has confirmed or added to this list.

If there is anything you would like to donate, even the simplest of items, please let me know. We would like to keep our own supplies and equipment to a minimum, saving as much room as possible for donations.

Here is the list of items that are most needed by the people of the Caribbean:

Hand soap & hand sanitizer

Toilet paper

Toothbrushes & toothpaste

Brushes & combs

Washcloths & soap


Pencils & pens

Crayons & pencil crayons


Bandaids & first aid supplies

The list could go on, and we will have some limits as to space, but we are hoping to take whatever we can. Because of the need to import so many things, many who live in the Caribbean can barely afford what we consider "essentials". If you care to donate, please let me know!

While we are preparing to leave, there is a lot of work to be done, but I am hoping to be able to start giving regular updates on this blog, especially for all our loved ones who have said they want to follow our adventures. Thank you to EVERYONE who has been so encouraging, supportive and caring!! It's all about the love :D



23rd June 2016

Whete I Grew Up
Having grown up in the Caribbean, I would love to be included in your blog mailing. May you have safety in your travels and fulfilment in your charitable efforts. Mostly, I trust you and Lukus will have fresh experiences of the Living Christ at sea and on land.
23rd June 2016

I have to cases of crayons for you.

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