Delhi to Hatu Peek Narkanda on Bike

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May 23rd 2016
Published: May 23rd 2016
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Delhi to Hatu Peek Narkanda.

We have started our journey with Pulsar 150 with our colleague Vinod Gupta as pillion from Delhi Bypass at night 8o’clock on 23 Mar’16 & reached Ambala around 11:55PM & stayed with one of good friends of Vinod Gupta.

Next day, we started towards Shimla at morning 7AM; we have enjoyed lot of natural beauty on the way, roam around Solan, Played Holi with Local girls & children on the way to Shimla.

We Reached Shimla at 1PM, stayed in Hotel Dreemland in 750rs, we have spent 30 Minute then go outside of the Hotel for walked the Local places.

We started from Jakhu Mandir, we parked our bike in front of Mandir Road. We saw that peoples were going to Jakhu Mandir by their owned Car/Taxi but we have no idea on that’s type of hilly riding so we started by walk. Climbing on Jakhu Mandir is not so difficult but we don’t have habit, so it was taken 1hr to reach at top. We enjoyed around an hour & get down to other places in Shimla.

We walked till mid night at Mall Road, Shimla Railway Station, summer Hill, Historical Building which were built by British government (Can’t remembered the complete name), finished the dinner at Mall Road & sleeped.

Next day we started our journey by morning 7 towards Hatu Peak Narkanda, situated 70km onwards from Shimla to Kaza Route.

We finished our breakfast in Kufri & drived till Narkanda. The road condition from Shimla to Narkanda is good & the scenery was beautiful, we halted every 5-8 km for taking picture & enjoying the nature closely.

We reached Narkanda at 10:30 in the morning, purchased some foods, cold drink & Maggie then started towards Hatu Peak.

Hatu Peak is situated 8Km from Narkanda & way to Hatu Peak is so Steep. Way from Narkanda to Hatu Peak is difficult as there is single Road with lots of Path holes, Mud & snow with one side is deep trench.

We derived on bike just before 2 km at Hatu Peak but after that bike was skidding so finally we decided to park the bike at that place & trekking by own. The way from bike parked to Hatu peak was very narrow with full of snow, we were skidded so many times but finally reached at Hatu Peak.

The view from Hatu Peak was amazing; we saw the Himalayan Range & valleys from there. We spent lots of hours at their & returned back as we need to reach at Delhi just because to join the office on next day.

We reached Shimla at 3pm finished the lunch & started to move back Delhi. We managed to reach Zirakpur before sunset as I have no experience the driving in hilly area in night.

We finished the dinner somewhere near Panipat & reached Badarpur at night 1am & trip has been ended.

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23rd June 2017

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