Rough with the smooth...

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October 4th 2006
Published: October 4th 2006
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A vista to match the weather...A vista to match the weather...A vista to match the weather...

Sierra Grande in all its glory!

It is now Wednesday and 4 days from my little drama and the third day since we left the comfort of Marahue. Our first day involved a couple of hours of riding which saw us in Carmen de Patagones. This is a pleasant town where we enquired about a camping site, found out it was on a dirt track and promptly I enquired about hotels instead. We found one and took a room there: so much for camping 5 nights out of 7! But, as Kristina pointed out, wé'll have plenty of chances to redress the balance in more desolate places!!
As you, the reader, can probably guess, the spill has knocked my confidence somewhat. I've been here before: every twitch of the front end leaves me thinking , I'm about to hit the deck again. Realistically, I know that this is a mental attitude thing and that the bike is not as unstable as I keep imagining, but ones mind is a very hard thing to ignore and dismiss. So there will come a point when I will need to face this new pixie (not a demon quite yet) and overcome my fears. I hope I do so successfully as it will take its toll on my enjoyment of the trip, if I am too worried about the next meter of road for 150 miles at a time!!
I am aware that soon we will be reaching the Ruta 40, and large chunks of that are dirt road, and gravel: I'm fighting the urge to go a buy a behemoth of a pick-up truck....4 wheels mmmm.
all of this is not helped by the fact that the weather is pants and raining quite heavily at times. It started as we continued Sougth to last nights stop, Sierra Grande, where we opted for another hotel (these are about 12-14 GBP per night so its not that big an indulgence!). We are now in Puerto Madryn and from here will back track to Puetro Pyramide on the Peninsula Valdes, one of the worlds havens of Marine wildlife and a major destination on our itinerary! We are finally in Patagonia!!!


5th October 2006

Peninsula Valdes
Hola Nick Take care on the Peninsula; it's just about the worst ripio you'll encounter. I stopped counting after ten offs but eventually mastered the technique for when the front starts weaving. Sadly I'd injured my leg and had to rest for two weeks at the Puerto Madryn campsite, taking the local anaesthetic: vino tinto! Good luck with your wildlife viewing. If you want to see the southern right whales, go on the smallest boat at Pto Pyramides, the one with the little viewing platform high above the wheelhouse, you'll get amazing views (and photo's!). The orcas weren't playing on the two occasions I waited at high tide at the little mirador on the east of P. Valdes but I saw some fantastic digi. photo's a Swiss had taken the very next day of them snatching seals off the beach. Hasta manana y suerte. Mick
5th October 2006

knocked confidence
Hi Nick of the Atreides, As part of the great atreides family, I believe you said this quote "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain". you will be fine my son, drive on with confidence!! Mark
5th October 2006

Take a rest!
Hello trouble, I hope you are okay - I am a bit worried about you after the 'accident' and especially now you are sounding very down in the dumps. We have had an office discussion and decided that you need to stay in one place for a few days to gather yourself. Maybe just take a few day trips out and about, but no stress. Then you can go on your merry way. Mark says you are like Ewan MacGregor (I don't think he's implying that Christina is like that actor bloke, Charlie, though!). Take care xx ps. Emma Bennetts asked if she can get these blogs too please.
5th October 2006

Hay Orcas!
Hi Nick, Hi Katrina, I've been to the Peninsula Valdes and it was one of my absolute highlights of my South Am adventure, no, hold that, of my life so far! Southern wright whales 1m from the boat lookng at me with their tiny little eye on one side, elephant seals (you'll get the name, these guys are fatties!) dumb seal lions lying on the beach and then the orcas prowling up and down before coming in to drag them out to sea. I went with a local family who decided I had magical powers because they had never seen the orcas come in before! ATTENBOROUGH MOMENTS AWAIT YOU! And I haven't even mentioned the assertive little penguins running around your feet at Punta Tombo and barking at you. When people say life is boring I know they haven't been there.
5th October 2006

I have been laughing out loud at the entries in your journal, no not at your falling off your bike, that sounds horrible, but at everything else. Keep up the writing - it is keeping us all amused. And take care!!
5th October 2006

Hi Both
Hey Nicky.... Sad about the spill you had, but hey... you survived and your bike is fine!!!! You are right.. you cant stress about it. You will get your confidence back again as soon as you can open up that throttle again and let her rip on the open roads!! At least you didn't hurt your back again! ;o) You are greatly missed here at work and I really enjoyed reading both yours and Kris' entries... very funny!! Put in more pictures!!! Want to see more of the country side and the two of you posing together!!! ha ha ... Enjoy and chat soon!! Lol
5th October 2006

Hey Nick, haven't read everything yet but will do shortly. Just to let you know Emma is upset you are leaving her out on your blogs....i said that you are doing it on purpose!
5th October 2006

Guys, Ref. your Wednesday comments about fearing every wobble will spit you off........ NO IT WONT, HAVE FAITH. This will seem an unbelievably funny moment in the future. Trev
6th October 2006

Dune: or atleast dunes, and lots of them...
Two things I would add: 1 A few doses of the Spice and you soon don't care if you fall off... 2 If I had the Baron's flying suit, falling off would not be a problem either... "My Baron, your skin diseases are love to me...." Urrgh! Nick and Kristina (High-Mother of the Benejezzeret)

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