Sicily - The Crossroads of the Mediterranean

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April 6th 2016
Published: April 6th 2016
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Hi everyone, 22 more days and off to the island of Sicily in the Mediterranean. Got my sunscreen all ready to pack. Just a warning that I am going to be sending blogs again. Hope you all feel like you are there with me. Ciao for now!


6th April 2016

Can't wait for your blogs - I feel like I'm on the trip with you! Have a great time and keep those blogs coming!!!
6th April 2016

Sicily - The Crossroads of the Mediterranean
I am so looking forward to your comments. I love reading them. Have a GREAT trip.
6th April 2016

I know you girls will have a great time, anxious to hear all about it!!
Looking forward to pictures and hearing about the sites, and the meals, am sure I will never get there, so will enjoy it thru you! God be with you and keep you safe! love you!!
7th April 2016

Hi, Linda. So you're off again-- this time to Sicily or other parts, too? Will you stop in Israel? We've been there twice. Just wanted to mention that I once worked for a Scicilian doctor who told me Sicily has the bluest sky in the world. I would like a report from you-- is that true? Happy sailing!

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