Chiang Rai

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September 29th 2006
Published: September 30th 2006
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So far...

Little Tinker!Little Tinker!Little Tinker!

This was the taxi driver's son. He was so funny and kept beeping the horn when we got to Chiang Mai bus station!
(we've added a few bits to the previous entry too)

It took 3 hours to get to Chiang Rai on the bus as we had to drive through so many mountains. We arrived here late afternoon. It's very nice, a lot like Chiang Mai but smaller. There's not much to do here. We had planned to visit the long neck and big ear tribe here but then we found out that they are burmese refugees who are exploited by tourism companies. Even though the tradition of wearing the brass rings on their necks to make them longer was dying out they are forced to do it to attract tourists and bring in money.

We went to the night market here which was pretty small but we had a really nice meal. Olly decided to get a tattoo! he's been saying for ages that he wanted one and we saw the tattooist working and he was brilliant so he decided to splash out (14 pounds!) and had one done! It is on the underside of his left wrist, where a watch would normally go. It is ancient Thai (khmer) script saying 'Charlotte'. It definitely does say Charlotte because the manager
A work in progress...A work in progress...A work in progress...

After the first letter I thought it would be fine, but as he got nearer the middle of my wrist the pain got pretty intense. By the time he started filling the letters in I had got used to it.
of our guesthouse read it as that too. It looks good (see pics). My mum and Dan have spontaneously booked a flight to Bangkok for next week as they were coming to see us in Jan but we will be in Oz by then we think!

We had a pizza for lunch on our last day in Chiang Rai-the first western food we'd had. Then got the bus to Chiang Mai. When we got there 3 hours later we tried to get the overnight sleepet train to Bangkok but there were no spaces so we had to get a second class sitting ticket. It took 16 hours!!! It was RANK. We were right near the toilets (which were absolutely gross) and the smell kept wafting through. It was also really cold and bumpy. So we both slept really badly. Finally arrived in Bangkok at 1 the following afternoon!

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


The end resultThe end result
The end result

It is still swollen and scabbed but you can get the general idea. I am really pleased with it and Mum will be pleased that my watch can cover it perfectly!
King's MonumentKing's Monument
King's Monument

All Thais worship the King. Even late at night there are some laying flowers and praying infront of the impressive monument in the centre of Chiang Rai.

30th September 2006

I translated the tatoo on Babelfish and it definately says Chimpy. Only Joking, glad you and Olly are have a good time.
1st October 2006

Im so jelous! lovin the tatoo!!! the waterfall pic is lurvely!
3rd October 2006

No way!
Hi guys, can't believe you got a tatoo olly! I'll have to make sure everyone at work knows! You're missing the time of your life here - inductions every hour :) The customers are asking after you so I'll let them know your news. Safe travelling you two :)
3rd October 2006

You lucky fuckers! You sound like you're having fun! Like the tatoo Ol, you should have got it round your...though, then your mum would never have seen it! ha! Keep up the blog, it keeps me busy during my unemplyed life! Take care, Dave.
4th October 2006

Apologies readers,
This young man is a foul-mouthed youth with several ASBOs to his name. No offence is intended though, i'm sure. Cheers Dave!
4th October 2006

Guyd you look like your having an amazing time I am sooo jelous. Everything is so cheap i really want another tattoo but think it'll cost more to come out there to get it!! although £40 is loads compared to £14!! take care. xxx Alice and Owen xxx
5th October 2006

You're Right
Yep I am really pleased that your watch will cover your tattoo perfectly. I'm just waiting for the next surprise. Happy travelling.

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