Kadoka to Newton

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September 4th 2015
Published: September 5th 2015
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7am start today to make ground East. Shouldn't be much to see for a while. A hard start to the day with strong crosswinds, grooved road surface with bumps so you bounced along the road, wet surface and more showers looming. I'm riding facing toward the wind, shoulder pushing into the prevailing direction, hand of the same side holding back handle and other hand pushing against the opposite bag for steadiness. We're leaning the bike to compensate for the crosswind so we need to pay attention if we go under a bridge or another form of shelter as the wind suddenly stops!

Pressing on we hit an electrical storm complete with fork lightning and had our bike and gear washed for about half an hour. We decided at the point it may be a prudent idea and opportune time to change our front tyre. Our nobbly had lasted from the start till here, pretty good going!

We pulled in at Vern Eide Motoplex in Northwest Sioux Falls to take care of the tyre change and went for a wander in the show room. There we met Brian who walked us around the showroom, introduced us to his colleagues and showed us their custom paint room. There were some great Indians and Victorys but I particularly liked the vintage Indian with custom military paint job, man I'd love to own that bike; probably the nicest bike I've seen! Also looked at some Polaris 1000cc turbo UTV's which can do 120 mph!!! Mean setup and suspension. They also had some Slingshots which are a three wheeled UTV, these can be legally driven on the roads here. We've seen two, pretty good set up and quite unique. Great way to kill an hour while waiting for the tyre change.

We've crossed into Idaho now having done 947ks today and are spending the night in Newton.

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Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


5th September 2015

I can definitely see you on that Bike Kim .... I thought you were going to go on and say you decided to buy it!!! Loving the blogs .... feeling a little green with envy here to be honest! Sounds like a once in a lifetime. Enjoy and keep the updates coming xxx
6th September 2015

New bike?
Haha, I wish. Trev said he'll price one for me in New Zealand, he reckons that exercise will be enough to put me off. I am keen on a road bike when I get back but we'll see. I was thinking of you today and was going to email you just to say hi and see how you all are. Today was pleasantly cooler at around 30 degrees. We're in east Detroit tonight and may pop up into Canada if we can't get accomodation due to the labour weekend. Did Chanel bring the tshirt in for Ben, I'm not sure it'll fit but hope it does! Any news in WW ( or NZ)? Hope you're keeping well and happy as always. Miss you xx
6th September 2015

Checking your whereabouts
Just checking. . . is this Newton in Utah or Idaho?
6th September 2015

Newton, Idaho
Hi Paula! How was your trip? I'm still enjoying being 'on the road'. We're in Detroit now ?. Headed toward Niagara Falls in Canada. All that's on the news here is the presidential race. I'm glad we don't see much TV! I suppose the flag debate is still going on over there. Hope you're well and happy. Much love Kim xx

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