Sergio and Gloria hookin it up

Published: September 4th 2015
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We made it safely to Costa Rica excited and with a little bit of a buzz too. Thanks to the kindness of our first friends met on our trip, Sergio and Gloria, we were given multiple airplane bottles of rum and wine and a big bottle of red to celebrate when we arrived in San Jose. We will certainly pay their kindness forward.


6th September 2015

Happy times
So glad your on your way. Aunt Joan and I are enjoying Alaska. You guys be safe and have fun, don't drink the water!!
6th September 2015

Happy times
So glad your on your way. Aunt Joan and I are enjoying Alaska. You guys be safe and have fun, don't drink the water!!
6th September 2015

Happy times
So glad your on your way. Aunt Joan and I are enjoying Alaska. You guys be safe and have fun, don't drink the water!!
6th September 2015

Happy times
So glad your on your way. Aunt Joan and I are enjoying Alaska. You guys be safe and have fun, don't drink the water!!
6th September 2015

Happy times
So glad your on your way. Aunt Joan and I are enjoying Alaska. You guys be safe and have fun, don't drink the water!!
6th September 2015

Happy times
So glad your on your way. Aunt Joan and I are enjoying Alaska. You guys be safe and have fun, don't drink the water!!
6th September 2015

Happy times
So glad your on your way. Aunt Joan and I are enjoying Alaska. You guys be safe and have fun, don't drink the water!!
8th September 2015

Thanks. Hope you guys are enjoying Alaska.

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