Cartagena - The End!

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South America » Colombia » Cartagena
July 4th 2015
Published: July 5th 2015
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It was a surprise to see all the high rises from the ship as we approached the harbor.

We decided we would take a taxi on our own to the Old Town of Cartagena but at the last minute changed our minds and decided to take a tour that a friend had arranged.

It was in the mid-nineties and very humid today but we were happy that we took the tour as it afforded us an opportunity to hear the history and see a few places we probably wouldn’t have.

This actually was a very nice port and if we had more time, could have enjoyed it more. The heat however was oppressive.

We just heard from the Captain that there are storms in the forecast and so a decision was made not to stop in Key West on Tuesday. We will be taking a longer route which will, hopefully, take us around the storm. We are still scheduled to arrive in Miami on Wednesday morning.

This will be our last port of call report. The trip is essentially over. We will party it up on board the next few days with our friends and then say good-bye!

Happy Fourth of July!!!

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Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Old FortressOld Fortress
Old Fortress

Sue & Sandra with our guide

5th July 2015

Well done!
Great job, enjoyed the trip, look forward to seeing you. Love, Dick

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