Day one: getting out and getting high

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April 17th 2015
Published: April 18th 2015
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The big event for the day was how to back up the trailer with no experience. After a few missteps (right is on the other side, turn the other way, stop, go forward, get it straight, it's not too late, to whip it...) I successfully backed the trailer into the parking lot. Three hours later it was full of all my worldly possessions and I was moved out!

All my possessions, except the lovely dresser from Gerry's childhood. Where is it now you ask? I strapped it to the roof of the Vibe and drove to the Eco centre. Unfortunately, the Eco centre had too tight of a turn for me to drive in. So, I unstrapped it and carried it by hand. As you expect, everyone else in the line asked who the eccentric was, the one carrying the furniture.

So, with my damage deposit in hand, I drove the Yellowhead west to Hinton and over the highest point on the highway. Obed has always been a milestone for me. It's all downhill from here: 1150 m to sea level. Here's a photo of the rig in front of Frank's Hinton store. And finally, I arrived at the pet friendly hotel. Very nice. A good day.


18th April 2015

Trailer park Jim
Look at you, backin' trailers up and whipping out to Hinton. Hope it's fun to be on the road again. So, Hotel Hinton passes muster? You know Celia is very picky where she chooses to shed and nap, with a few snacks to keep up her strength.

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