New Zealand - South Island - Kaikoura

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March 18th 2015
Published: March 18th 2015
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Howdy folks, today got up early, very excited, drove 2 hours to see the Whales, we booked a boat to go out and see them. Sooooooooooooo disappointed, we got there and it was cancelled due to the rough sea. Must admit, travelling down, the sea was looking a wee bit on the rocky side, thinking heck, haven't brought any sea sickness tablets, but it will be ok as the whales will take my mind off it. So after being told this disappointing news, we were pretty desperate, 'Right', says Stu 'We're get a plane', flippin heck, he's desperate !! Off we go to the helicopter hanger, in we go, me legs were starting to go !!! I go into this verbal outburst, 'were really scared of flying, but we need to see the whales !! The guy summed us up right away, told us that they sent some heli's up in the morning and only spotted one whale, then sent another one up an hour before we came in and didn't see 'Whaley' again, but said if we really wanted to go, it would be a 50, 50 chance, but said if it was him he wouldn't bother, the sea was too choppy and white colour, even if we saw one wouldn't get a good look, more like a glimpse, so we said we would leave it, for the amount heli's cost and if we didn't see one, we would be more gutted !! We were pleased that the guy was honest, either that or he thought, crik's not taking these nutcases up there and having panic attacks !! Wise man !! Then Stu said lets go off to the plane's hanger and see what they say, I said 'Oh right, what are they going to tell us, 'eh yea, that's ok, the sea is calm, were see about 20 whales', ehhhhh don't think so, we realised we were just clutching at straws, even said to the lady on the desk at the boats, maybe the weather will change, ehhhhhh still a NO!!! Soooooooo sad. Then got into a panic about never seeing a whale in my life !! Until I thought I know I'll go to Norway !! Then I was calm ! So moving on from the whales we NEVER saw, looked around Kaikoura the whaling town, was a quaint place, but cold, yep I wasn't even dressed for the occasion, whenever I think of boats, I think, hot, suntan lotion, shorts and little t - shirt. WRONG !! Kaikoura cold, windy, need lots of clothes TODAY !! Usually though it is hot, but some locals said this was the backlash of Cyclone Pam, again who know's, let's keep blaming Pam !! So drove back round and round the mountains, some with snow on the top, along the rugged coast which was pretty amazing to look at, the sand is black, then stopped off at a road stall to have some crayfish which we know as lobster. That cheered us up, the lady was really friendly, cooked us a lovely lobster, so we 'piggyed' out and felt 10 times better, plenty of whales out there to see in the world !!!

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20th March 2015

Hello you two...your trip just gets better and are really not going to want to come home. Much love Wendy.x
20th March 2015

I know Wend, but will have to, so I can show you my cheeseboard !!

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