Olivia's Blog

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January 27th 2015
Published: January 27th 2015
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Ushuaia ...Beagle Channel
Olivia's Blog

Hi Everybody,

I hope everyone is doing well, I miss you a lot.

We are four weeks into our trip on an RV (we have named our RV the Deseado)

Puerto Deseado is one of my favourite places so far because we went on an expedition. On the way to Isla Pinguino we saw Commerson and Austral Dolphins. The Commerson Dolphin is endangered and can only be found in Patagonia ( they look like mini Orcas) They were so close I touched one!

When we arrived on the island we hiked around and saw Magellanic and Rockhopper Penguins, the reason that they are called Rockhopper is because they live in the rocks and hop everywhere, it's hilarious I could watch it all day.

We also saw elephant seals and sea lions but they reeked !!!!!!!.(:

When we got to Ushuaia (Fin del Mundo - the southern most city in the world)

We met another family travelling from Austria, I have made a new friend (Greta)

They also rented the same RV as us(Andean roads RV) and so far we have traveled together, it's so fun and Greta comes and drives in our RV and I go to hers.!!!!!!!(😞😞😞😞😞:

We went to Los Glaciers National Park. Mommy, daddy, Max and I hiked to the base of Cerra Torre (22kms) at the base we touched the glaciers it was

amazing !

Miss and love everyone!

Here is my family blog if you want to follow us!


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28th January 2015

Hi Olivia
Loved to hear from you. Fantastic pictures! I miss you too. Will call again and talk to you. Love Nanny C. ?
2nd February 2015

Hey Olivia, Sinclair here, oh my goodness it looks like you guys are having soo much fun! I think that it is so cool you met someone from Austria! Please keep blogging as much as you can, sent you email yesterday, and have been following your blog. I miss you so much and cant wait t see you when you get home say hello to Greta for me!! Love sinclair <3
5th February 2015

Love your posts!!
Livvie!! I love reading about what you're up to. It sounds like such an amazing adventure. I would love to see penguins and dolphins up close. Big hugs to all of you from the Harts xoxoxo

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