Ahmedabad to Delhi

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January 6th 2015
Published: January 6th 2015
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So I made it through the last day in Ahmedabad. It was great to relax for a day and just do not a lot....but I did do quite a bit looking back on it. After a morning of writing and organizing I decided I better see some of the city and area.

I went down to the street and walked across the Nehru Bridge to get to one of the Auto stands. At one point a group of young guys in their teens came up to me and wanted each to have their picture taken with me. It seems that just being white here in parts of the city are like being a celebrity. They toom their pictures and then off to do whatever they were doing to start with. Then I was approached by a guy from Nepal selling bracelets and things. Nice guy and actually pretty good English.

Got to the auto stand and bartered for a price for a four hour tour around the Area. I showed him a list off the things that I wanted to see and gave me a price of 700 rupees. That was $14 CAD for the tour and some broken English guidance. It was a great deal looking back on it. We started out going to Sabarmati Ashram. That is where Mahatma Gandhi lived from 1917 until 1930. This year marks the 100th anniversary of his return to India (big celebrations planned for later in the year). Very interesting and spiritual place. You could see where he would sit at his wheel and spin. He helped establish the textile industry in this region. It was like an open air walk about museum.

Then it was a 30km trip out to Adalaj Vav. It is one of Gujarat's most spectacular step wells. It goes into the ground 5 stories and is where they used to get the drinking water for the region for centuries. It was created in 1498 in carved stone. The work on these places are amazing. There must have been hundreds of people working on them and it seems as though there isn't a single mistake that you can see today. This was created just after Columbus discovered America....that's old!!!

Then to Ahmed Shah's Mosque. They think that some of the pieces of rock used here were from something created around 1250AD. Again...yikes!! After it was onto Sidi Saiyed's Mosque. This has very very intricate carved stone screens as the upper windows. It was built in 1573 and still looks amazing. Then it was onto Manek Chowk to the textile and jewelry market. Masses of people out bartering for things and buying clothes, fabric, shoes, hats and of course jewelry.

Then back to the hotel for a nap and venture out for some food. I left the hotel and walked down one of the side streets and found a kind of family run street cafeteria. The guys running the place were twin brothers in their twenties and were extra excited to see me as they said that I was the first white person to come to their restaurant...ever. I hadn't seen any others around for a long time. I think that I was staying in a very non-touristy part of town. Though Ahmedabad is not a stop on the tourist route. I had a mushroom masala dohsa and was still hungry so I asked them to make me what ever was good on the menu.....they chose Italian Pizza. How very Indian is that? It was pretty half decent though.

I was up this morning at 4:30 to get to the airport for a 7:30 flight. This one was confirmed so I did not have to worry about getting on. It was on IndiGo; grwat newer airline and not A full flight. The plane though I am sure was brand new. Landed in Delhi at 9 and made my way to the prepaid taxi stand. Again issues withy he cabs here in India. The driver had no idea where to go. I don't think I trust these guys....the big issue I think is that there is no such thing as a street address. It would really suck to have to tell somewhere where to go to get to someone's house. Finally arrived at 11 or so. Met my room mate for two weeks, Alex from the UK. Then we went out for a self guided tour of parts of Delhi with him.

This place is even more run down then Ahmedabad. There are parts that are really really poor and there seems to be more street people here as well. Bigger city so more of it I guess. We found a Starbucks....yea!!!!! Found some good street samosas and pakoras. The food is actually pretty good. Back to the hotel and another nap and chat with home then down to meet the group. Seems all is going to be pretty good. The guide seems great and really knowledgable. I am looking forward to this trip!!!

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9th January 2015

Ian's adventure
Great pictures! Learning a lot from you. Lol. Looking forward to seeing and hearing more.

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