Wanderings in South Africa - 3 - Cape Town

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November 12th 2014
Published: November 15th 2014
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After a two hour flight from Johannesburg we arrived in Cape Town late at night and it was only the following morning that we appreciated what a wonderful city we were in. A curving harbour and bay on one side of the compact city and looking in the opposite direction Table Mountain, recently voted as one of the new seven wonders of the natural world. Our first views of Table Mountain showed it to be partly covered by 'the tablecloth' - a layer of cloud covering the top!! We were, however, unable to take the aerial cable car to the top due to high winds - a big disappointment but we still had three further opportunities.

A walk through Kirstenbosch botanical gardens was wonderful with colourful Protea flowers, the symbol of South Africa, providing a splash of colour against the dark backdrop of Table Mountain. A tradition for visitors to Cape Town is to have afternoon tea at the historic Mount Nelson Hotel - no evening meal was needed after a plethora of small sandwiches, scones and cakes!!

Next morning the wind had dropped, allowing us to ascend Table Mountain, but unfortunately the blue skies had been replaced by high grey clouds. Spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and across the city to the sea were only somewhat reduced due to the overcast conditions. A great experience.

A driving tour through the Cape Peninsula followed with a dramatic drive along Chapman's Peak drive and out to Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point. We were on the South western tip of Africa!

We also saw the colourful houses in the Bo Kapp District of Cape Town and then had an enlightening experience visiting the township of Langa where whole families were living in metal containers or small shanty-style huts constructed from corrugated iron. The people we met were friendly, appeared contented and were even house-proud and happy to show us where they lived.

Accommodation - The Pepper Club Cape Town

Weather - Every day was different - windy, sunny, overcast & cloudy with occasional rain showers!!

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Photos: 24, Displayed: 23


16th November 2014

The Cape
We have very similar photographs of Cape of Good Hope. Very good selection . P & A
17th November 2014

Penguins Great
Excellent variety of photos as always. V & A waterfront looks very interesting

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