The History of Halloween

Published: November 4th 2014
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This is going to be super short, but I had to share this!

Today I went to the childrens school to talk to their classes about Halloween and why Americans celebrate it. Personally, all I knew was Halloween was the day the evil spirits were allowed to walk among the living, so I had to do research haha. Originally I was only supposed to talk to Emma's class, and in English, but when I arrived I was asked to speak to Hugo's class as well. I felt like challenging myself, so I spoke as much as I could in French. At the beginning, I apologized and told the kids that my French was a little hard to understand since I am not fluent, and that I hoped it wouldn't be too difficult to understand. Things went smoothly though... well maybe a few bumps here and there, and both teachers invited me to come back again, which is great! I already have planned to come back to speak about thanksgiving, so while I'm home in the States I am going to come up with activities to do with the classes! Ugh I'm excited! Maybe being a teacher would be a good thing to do later on in life? Hmmm...

Well I guess when I was talking to Hugo's class, a girl giggled at me a few times (which I didn't notice.) And tonight, after the kids went to sleep, I was telling Emilie all about how things went, and that I hoped my french was good enough for them to understand etc, and she told me that Hugo told her that my French was pretty good, and that he went up to the girl who laughed at me after I left and told her that she was rude and she should go up in front of the class tomorrow and read something in English and see how hard it is so she knows how I felt.


This is really exciting to hear in my opinion and I just had to share it with all of you!

Also! Happy birthday to my mommy!


5th November 2014

that is the cutest thing ever

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