Yes, it was weird

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August 29th 2006
Published: August 29th 2006
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Hi everyone. It's Adrienne, and I just wanted to piggyback on Wendy's comments about what happened at the orphanage this morning. The morning had actually started out very good. Because of the weather we were inside, and three of the older kids were getting "new" clothes because they will be starting school next week. It was really cool to see how proud they were in these clothes, which are a bit nicer than what they usually wear on the playground.

Then our "guide" Igor showed up, and we used his translation skills to get the kids to sit in a circle while we passed out more pictures. He would explain what was in them as the pictures went around. My mom's friend sent a picture of a boy standing in a huge tractor wheel, and the boys went crazy for that one. The children were engaged and calm--not grabbing at pictures or each other like we have seen in the past.

As Wendy said, all of a sudden the caretaker starts bundling up the kids to go outside, which we thought was strange because when it is cold and wet they don't usually go outside. And I have to admit, once we got out there and I saw why, I did feel a bit put out to see this other group taking pictures and posing with these children that they have never met or worked with. I know they do wonderful work in their orphanage, so I feel childish and petulant for thinking these things, but...that's how I felt, so be it.

I also think we are a bit shell-shocked by the news that tomorrow is our last day at the orphanage, so these 2 events, one right after each other, has made us very glum today. Now we need to fit 3 days of activities and goodbyes into one, and we just aren't ready right now.

Aren't you glad you don't have to be around us for the rest of the day? 😊


29th August 2006

Congratulations on your wonderful work at the Orphanage
Wendy and Adrienne, In your hearts you know how much you have meant to this children and the positive experience you brought into their lives. The pictures may go up on their site but the children will remember the two US Ladies that were so loving and giving of themselves. Be proud of your work and feel good about it, as the most important ones will remember you both, The Children. Have a safe trip and a safe trip home to the USA and I hope I meet you again back in Chisinau. Wayne
29th August 2006

Good job!
You ladies should take pride in knowing that you've made a difference in the lives of these children, regardless of what others do or the miserable living conditions. You'd be surprised at how children can detect phoniness (is that a real word?) vs. sincerity.
29th August 2006

Wendy and Adrienne, Sounds like these children really need an advocate. The photo shots appear exploitive to me too, and makes me mad. Yall have described your experiences so vividly that I feel like I am there! It is sad to only have one more day left with these precious souls that have found a place so deeply in your hearts. I do believe the feelings are mutual. Enjoy your final days in Moldova, Suzie

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