Day 21, McCall, Idaho

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August 25th 2006
Published: August 25th 2006
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Well folks, first I'd like to say thanks for all the comments and messages. It is nice to hear from friends when out on such a road. I wish I had the ability to update this blog more, but apparrently camping and laptops dont mix, as my computer crashed the first time I turned it on a week ago (the first time I had the luxury of electricity). I was bummed at first, but then I can see the silver lining to that one pretty easily, it is hard to be upset about your laptop not working when you are surronded by the wild.

I have been keeping a journal on paper, but I dont have time to give you all of the details right now, as I am sitting in the lobby of the McCall, Idaho Best Western. Highlights will have to do for now.

8/25/06: Phoenix to Vegas for a good friend Jay's Bachelor Party. The drive was a bit surreal, leaving my home town and people knowing I would not see them for quite some time. It was mixture of emotions, a waxing and waning between the stress of preparing for such a long journey and the exitement of actually beginning it. The big idea was now real.

Arrived in Vegas with perfect timing, my friends had a steak and glass of wine waiting for me as I arrived at the Capitol Grill. The dinner was excellent, but it was the people I was most glad to see. Good friends who can make you laugh your ass off endlessly are a true blessing. I hadn't seen this crew in a while and they were on top form. We did the whole posh Vegas club thing, then ended it with late night craps and 1.99 margaritas. Said goodbye in the morning, and it was into nature.

Heading east to Utah, the transition from flat desert to desert canyon was anything but gradual. Right near the stateline, you enter a tall canyon following the virgin river, and it is like driving through a doorway for giants. It was nice to have windy roads and a high horizon for a change. The drive into Zion was gorgeous. Stopped at the town outside and looked at rocks and minerals, souveniers, and the like. Stopped at an Elk farm and tooks some pictures with one hand why I fed an elk with the other. Pretty neat to be staring right into an elk's eyes as he eats out of your hand, slobbering I might add.

Arrived at my campsite and wandered around aimlessly. I had a car full of stuff, and it was a little overwhelming setting up camp for the first time. It was a beautiful site, with "The Watchman" rock formation keeping a close eye on everything I did. Cooked my dinner, played a little guitar, and chatted with the neighbors under the stars. I could get used to this.

Without going into too much detail, Zion is awesome. I did a steep hike (850 ft over a couple miles) to hidden canyon. Not a hike for those afraid of hieghts. Towards the end, I was on a 3 foot ledge gripping an iron chain, peering over at the ground 800 ft below. The next day I hiked Angel's Landing, I dont rememeber the exact hieght, but I want to say 1250 ft. A real test of mind over matter, especially putting one foot in front of the other on the 15 ft wide knife-edge with drops of 1000 ft on either side. The view at the top was priceless and could never be captured with words or pictures. I took a lot of pictures anyway, look for them here in a few weeks.

8/9 - After Zion I drove North to Salt Lake, and camped a night on Antelope Island. Hot and barren when compared to Zion, a reason I was a little dissapointed when I arrived, but as the sun went down, I got over it, and I was thankful for the quiet that the campgrounds at Zion lacked. Took some great photos here too.

8/10 - Continuing North, I decided to take the faster route by staying on I-15 into Southern Utah, then crossing into Jackson, Wyoming through Teton pass. The drive on the interstate was not to exciting, and I am pretty sure I was near Uncle Rico's campsite in Southern Idaho. Heading east into Wyoming was a gorgeous drive, and I gave my car lots of encouragement as it climbed Teton Pass. Jackson looked like a pretty cool place, and they scored extra points for the neon Broncos sign in the window of a local pub. I drove north through Grand Teton National Park, and it was amazing. The Tetons are more than a backdrop, and I dont have time to articulate their beauty here, but I will say that it felt good just looking at them. Took lots of pictures of lakes and mountains. Highlight was stumbiling onto a writing workshop facilitated in an old homestead, and meeting some great, inspiring people. Other highlight was waking up to the sound of coyotes yipping at the false dawn.

8/12 - I wont even try and describe this amazing place. There could be ten national parks in this one alone. Highlights were showing up late for a ranger hike, and tracking the ranger by following her footprints, being sure to make lots of noise in a few portions of the trail where I might surprise a bear. Another highlight was watching an elk run out of the forest and into the river to cool off. Took great photos of sunrise over Yellowstone Lake, of Bison in mormorning geiser mist, and a lazy afternoon creek.

8/15 - Drove from Yellowstone to Salmon, ID. CD's stolenin Rexburg, ID, computer crashed in Salmon, went to bed in a state of anger/sadness, but I got over it. Checked into the Stage Coach Inn in Salmon where I met my Whitewater Rowing Class and Instructors. Woke up the next day and spent the next 8 nights rolling on the river. I could write a book about those 8 days, but I won't here. I will say that it was an awesome experience, and I am definitely hooked on Rollin' On a River, wither its in a raft, a kayak, or a life jacket. Highlight was rafting through two forest fires (one lunch was spent on a beach, watching a helicpoter dip a large bucket in the river about 50 yards a way, then watching him dump it on the forest at times 30 yards away. As we were eating we realized we were surrounded by fire. We ate fast.

8/24 - Got off the river and said goodbyes over dinner at the Marina on Lake McCall. Spent last night basking of the luxury of a hot shower, HBO and ESPN, and a bed that did not involve a sleeping bag or sand.

8/25 - So here I sit in McCall, Idaho, and I am about to drive to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. 21 days on the road and still going strong. I go through a combination of emotions ranging from elation to homesickness, and traveling alone is different. You have the freedome of choosing your own path, but nobody to share it with, nobody to say "wow, look at that" to. But it is good overall, and I will keep on trucking, and peeking around the corner of the road.

I am taking lots of pictures and writing in more details, both of which I will share here later when I have more time. Now its time to get back in Ol' Black, and point her too Crater Lake, Redwood Forsests, Shasta, Folsom Lake (which may change to kayaking on the American River or exploring Tahoe), Yosemite, San Francisco, and the Pacific Coast Hwy down to San Diego, with stops in Big Sur, Santa Barbara, LA and places in between.

Hope you are well, and I appreciate the comments and the voicemail, they are fuel for my smile.

Peace to all,


25th August 2006

Keep on truckin'
Sounds like fun, man. You know how I feel about this trip. Keep us updated and think about staying with my aunt. efgodfrey at cox . net <----email me.
25th August 2006

So exciting...
Drew --- I love reading about your adventure...keep on truckin... :-)
25th August 2006

Amazing. What an experience - one you will cherish forever, I'm sure. Not everyone could do it but you do it with style.
27th August 2006

Call of the wild - See ya soon!
"One of the gladdest moments of human life, methinks, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of habit, the leaden weight of routine, the cloak of many cares and the slavery of home, man feels once more happy." -- Sir Richard Burton
2nd September 2006

The bar is just around that next corner . . .
Andrew, It's good to hear that you are enjoying your time since we last spoke in Zion. Anthony and I headed from there to Vegas, lost too much money, and headed to Sequoia to explore some caves. From there we went to our cabin, built 90 years ago by my wife's family. It was an amazing trip, ful of friends, relaxation, and natural beauty. It's always joyful to meet good people and we both wanted to send you encouragement as you continue on. May you find all that you seek and then some. Tim
4th September 2006

nature man
Hey Drew! Just wanted to say hello. I should be studying for grad school, but surfing blogs is more enticing. I'm exctied for you and your journey - and i can't wait to hear about it in person one day. wishing you love, light, and transformation, Dana :)
4th September 2006

Hey Zion neighbors! Did you achieve the land-speed record you were going for? I was laughing about our midnight hike the other day. Who knew there were no bars open in latenight rural utah? Send me your contact info.

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