Finally!! After Years of Waiting .. I'm off the Bucket List. Hooray!!

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May 27th 2014
Published: May 27th 2014
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Bucket Lists ….. you’ve all heard of them. Many of you probably have one. They are the wish lists of life.

I’ve been sitting on one for a very long time, patiently waiting and waiting, sitting here wondering when and if it would ever become my turn and I would be chosen next, getting the big green tick of approval.

Over the years, I’ve moved up the list; I’ve moved down the list, as other bucket-listers, came and went; when some long-term wishes were indulged and ticked off, or other new wishes were added. Sometimes, big A-listers joined my list and jumped the queue, whilst others were smaller whims of fancy but, still just as special.

I’ve had lots of practice at being very patient whilst just marking my time, sitting somewhere in the middle of THE LIST, going nowhere, just sitting there, whilst silently wishing, “next time, pick me, pick me.”

I may not be everyone’s cup of tea or on everyone’s list of their Top 10 things to do for, I am probably a bit of an acquired taste, if you like.

There has always been something of an air of mystery about my homeland since ancient times. From the days of Genghis Khan to the rough and tumble, no-holds-barred games of Nadaam each summer.

I am perhaps more appealing to someone with a bit of an adventurous nature. I have no need to try and compete with the 5-star resort on a beautiful tropical island with white sandy beaches and welcoming aquamarine seas to swim in or, by the allure that all the attractions of a big cosmopolitan city has to offer – as appealing as they may be - for, I can stand alone.

From my frozen, icy wastelands of winter and the vastness of the steppes of Eurasia to the searing summer heat of my vast deserts, I have my own allure and am my own adventure of a lifetime.

I am mysterious …. I am timeless …..

I am …… the Trans-Mongolian Railway ……..

Come along for the journey ….

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27th May 2014

I like the perspective of this blog...
a destination speaking for itself. I look forward to going along with the journey.
29th May 2014

I like the perspective of this blog ....
Hi Bob & Linda, Thank you ..... I wanted a lead-in to our forthcoming adventure and thought that this would be a novel approach. This is a trip that we have wanted to do for so long that it had become a bit like an old friend waiting patiently, the thought of it has been around for so long. But, like a lot of things, the timing had never been quite right until now. Really enjoyed your accounts of your recent trip to South America. Brought back a lot of memories as we were over much of your territory back in 2010. Machu Picchu, particularly, is a very special place. Great to hear from you. Jan

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