Last day in South Korea!!!

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August 24th 2006
Published: August 24th 2006
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I spent the day on my own; Erika and our friend Jade had gone on a DMZ tour and I wasn't interested in going. I spent most of the morning agonizing over small souvenirs to bring home to the kids (nieces and nephew) and walking around Insadong. I ran into a couple of other teachers from our camp there; people I'm flying out with tomorrow. Always a strange coincidence when you run into people you know in a city this size in a foreign country!

During the afternoon, I went to a park that I thought would be interesting. It wasn't. The guide book really mislead me on that one! I walked around town, took the subway into a shopping district and walked around some more. No major adventures there. But I did find a 1000 won store! 😊

We had Mr. Pizza for dinner (yum!) and then Erika, Matt and I headed out to Seoul Tower. After climbing a million stairs (ok, only a hundred) we got to the cable car. We went up the mountain in the cable car, and then climbed another hundred stairs to get to the platform to buy tickets to go up the tower. At this point Erika decided she'd had enough of heights and turned back to go back to the hostel. Matt and I went up the tower and it was really cool. Seoul has a lot of lights on at night so the view was spectacular. Too bad my camera couldn't capture it well. 😞 Got a couple of good shots of the tower all lit up though!

So there ends my adventures in South Korea, as I board a plane tomorrow at noon for home. I should get in to Toronto around 4pm Toronto time. That means that I will have been in transit for almost a day...... Hope I can catch a few zzzz's on the flight back! Either that, or I hope that there are good movies to watch!


25th August 2006

Ahhh!! So frustrating it is.
Well, sounds like your adventure was pretty exciting. Sorry I commented so late. Except, just reading about how frustrating it is... makes ME frustrated. Well... I hope you have fun with the last day in Korea. I hope to hear from you tomorrow!! Bye!

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