The night before.....

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April 7th 2014
Published: April 7th 2014
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Will it all fit?Will it all fit?Will it all fit?

Of course it will..just need to sit on them for a while. hehehe
Well it is the night before my big adventure starts.

Today was supposed to be a bit of fun with repacking, checking a few details and sending a copy of all my docs off to Kal, Ry and Jane. I even had planned to have a massage!

Ummmmm.....really should stop planning as I keep getting disappointed when it all goes skewif!

I didn't have a massage...(guess that was pretty obvious), spent nearly all day on the computer trying to get my phone restored after getting it replace by Apple on Saturday. Conversations with the travel agent about accommodation weren't doing anything for my stress levels and as I type this, I still haven't got them confirmed in Lima.

My printer didn't want to print; I can't get the shuttle to my hotel in Miami as I fly in too late; Qantas won't let me check in online??? even though I have my US visa; have just read the fine print on luggage weights for my flight to Galapagos Island - not sure what I am going to do with those extra kilos?......ok that's enough! I don't want to think about the frustrating stuff any more.....

So, I had a wonderful dinner tonight with Janey and Michael - thanks for the great tortillas yum! yum!

Just had a lovely goodnight kiss via facetime with my beautiful little grandson Pearson - thank you Mummy Floss and Daddy Kal. Still not sure how I am going to pack the surprise tractor he asked for into my suitcase.

Just about to give Catherine a call as we haven't spoken in weeks.

Reckon I'm more or less packed and ready to go. Jane even took a photo to prove I'm really as unorganised as I sound! LOL!

Up at 5.00 am so I can be driven to the airport and really see how frustrated I can get....or not.

First stop Miami where I will be staying at a lovely (I hope) 4 star hotel right near the beach and all things touristy. Might just get my massage there and won't that be so much better than having it in Ascot Vale!

Till next time......


7th April 2014

bon voyage
Crazy kid. Very proud to be your friend. You are going to have such a grand adventure. Roll with it. What will be will be. And remember we can always blame the catholics ;) Mwah ♥♥♥
9th April 2014

Are we there yet?
G'day Kaz. Well by now you should be in Miami and probapbly still trying to recover from the trip. I couldn't help but feel excited for you as I read your blog and looked at the picture. You truely are an amazing lady. I look forward to the next installment. :-)
9th April 2014

gee couldn't get Janee to give you one luvvy. Hope you get one in Miami! are you there yet?

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