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August 21st 2006
Published: August 21st 2006
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Family in Slotowa

Went for a quick run this morning before our driver/translator picked us up this morning to drive us to Slotowa to meet family. This is the first time in my life that I had a driver. Bart at our hostel arranged for the driver/translator to pick us up at 11 am.

The driver/translator, Tom, was very nice and we had a great 4 hour drive to Slotowa. The road construction slowed us down by 2twoand a half hours, but we made it to meet Jan and the rest of the family. Jan's wife was waiting at the end of their driveway to greet us. We jumped out of the car and gave hugs and kisses right away. Tom was right behind us and started translating for my dad and me. It was like we knew each other for years. All were so kind and warm.

They invited us inside and we ate a huge meal. It was great talking and sharing our lives with each other. There was a lot of laughter and a few tears of happiness. Jan showed us pictures of his family and since we are related, some of his family I knew.

After dinner they took us for a walk around the farm and to see the house where my dad's grandmother was born. The old barn housed the family and 12 Polish soldiers durning WW II. Slotowa was a front of the war for one and a half years. As the adults were talking, I played kickball in the yard with Jan's three year old granddaughter, Victoria. It was so much fun! She is soo cute and intelligent for a three year old. After we finished playing kickball, Victoria and I wandared into the barn to see the cows.

It was inside for more food and conversation. I think we all had a permanent smiles on our faces. It was so much fun seeing the expressions on everyone's faces.

I can't put in words what it meant to me to meet our family in Poland. It was an amazing experience and makes me happy that we have such wonderful family in Poland. They were asking when we were going to return. I hope to return in the next couple of years. They would also love for Joe Lukaswski to visit.


21st August 2006

Julie :)
Thank you for including me on your European adventure. I have been living vicariously through you (and pretending that I am on vacation as well)! I am so glad that you got the chance to meet your family! That must have been incredible. I can't wait to catch up (and see photos) when you get back :)
26th August 2006

Thanks for all of the Posts
Happy to see that people are enjoying my blog. It has been a wonderful vacation with my dad.

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