Not a Good Morning at the Orphanage

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August 21st 2006
Published: August 21st 2006
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Hello Friends and Family -- Wendy here.

Adrienne and I looked forward to being with the kids again on Monday, after having one day off. We were, however, not prepared for our children showing up in the playground looking like zombies. They looked like little robots, each with a toy in their hands.

Their caretaker, a woman we had not yet met named Anna, was not interested in engaging the children in play, and seemed to view us as intruders in her orderly world. After some time, we did get some of the boys to play ball, and they are slowly getting the idea of playing together.

Danna, a five year old girl who has captured my heart, did not interact with anyone except the caretaker, and at one point we saw her beating a stuffed doll with a stick. This can't be good.

The bright spot in the morning was visiting the Down's kids. They scream with delight when they see us, and two are working at climbing out of their playpen to be with us. Adrienne took some killer photos.

Our new assignment is to be with Down's babies, and we'll visit that group this afternoon.

More soon,


21st August 2006

Keep up the good work
Wendy, Adrienne: Keep up the good work - bringing a little sunshine into what sounds like otherwise dreary lives that these children have. I think at least one of you should consider relocating there to continue serving as their advocate. I'm sure Robert would be ok with you telecommuting. Besides, you can then join the fashion world of Moldova and get out of those dowdy clothes you brought with you from America. Sounds like your days are rewarding - what is the night life there like? We miss you, but glad you are enjoying your well deserved sabbatical.
21st August 2006

well well
Thanks for your encouragement. We had a better afternoon. Wait until you all hear about the two little ones I want to bring home with me -- well, I hear it takes about nine months to get them out of the country ... will she or won't she? Time will tell! Take care and my best to you and all back at AMD.

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