Climbed a mountain, climbed a mountain......

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August 18th 2006
Published: August 18th 2006
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Sue on Suspension BridgeSue on Suspension BridgeSue on Suspension Bridge

That's me on the suspension bridge at the top of the mountain....
Yes, that's right, I climbed a mountain today! We're staying in Mokpo, and we took a bus to the outskirts of the park. The intention was that we would go out to the Wolchsan National Park to find the suspension bridge. Little did we know that we would be climbing up for 2 hours. The signs said 1.9km, but we didn't know that they meant up! It was brutal, climbing up and up and up over rocks and me with a sore ankle and knee!

Anyway, we made it to the top and got some pictures. (I finally found an internet cafe that would let me put pictures on here!) Erika was a little hesitant about crossing the bridge; apparently she doesn't like heights, even though it was her idea to climb to the bridge!!

When we finally made it down the mountain again, we stopped at the ranger booth and asked for a taxi back to town. The ranger was so nice! He offered us chairs to sit down, called a cab, and then offered us gum and English TV! He asked us something in Korean, but who knows what it was! Oh well. Sweet guy anyway.
Suspension BridgeSuspension BridgeSuspension Bridge

We finally made it to the suspension bridge!

BTW, the ferry ride to Mokpo was interesting too! We bought third class tickets which entitled us to some floor space on the ferry. But not regular floor space -- it was carpeted! You were expected to take your shoes off, and then climb onto a slightly raised carpeted floor to make yourself comfortable. The guys who sat beside us brought along boxes of cereal, milk, bowls, spoons -- an entire breakfast! And us with our granola bars, and water.... 😊

I am quite exhausted, so I'm sure that there's plenty more that I could write, but can't think of now. We're off to Seoul tomorrow by train and staying there till I fly home in a week. Yay! I think it will be nice to be in a city with more English signs and English-speakers, as well as Western food. Today's lunch was a baguette, plain. Last night's dinner was spaghetti at an Italian place, but there was a catch. It wasn't really spaghetti -- there was cayenne pepper throughout and my mouth was on fire! So much for tomato sauce!!!

Anyway, I think I need to go rest my weary legs! One week to go! Feel
View from the TopView from the TopView from the Top

This is the view we had as we climbed up.
free to write me, as I'm 99% sure I have internet access at my hostel there!

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Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


Two of the Fab FourTwo of the Fab Four
Two of the Fab Four

Here are two of the Fab Four as we sang karaoke!

18th August 2006

Too much Western Food!!
Pizza? Spaghetti? Baguettes? Granola Bars? Enough with all this Western food! Have you found anywhere yet that serves some authentic Bi Bim Bap?
19th August 2006

Can't read Korean!
Quite honestly Dave, I'm lucky just to find food that I can recognize! You know I'm not the most adventurous when it comes to food, so I'm sticking with what I know. I can't read a Korean menu, so I wouldn't know if it had Bibimbap or not! Leave me alone with my baguettes and pizza..... And I brought over about a hundred granola bars so I'm trying to get through them before I fly home. :P
20th August 2006

Will they let you on a plane with a granola bar? They changed all of the rules about flying after that crazy guy found a way to make koolaid that goes boom. Certainly you can't bring any liquids, gels, goo's of any kind, drinks in your carry-on. It has to be checked-in.
20th August 2006

Granola bars aren't gooey....
Frankly, I don't know if they'll let me on the plane with granola bars, but seeing as they're not liquid or gel-like, I think I should be okay. And if not, oh well!!!

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