Just a few thoughts after one week

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August 17th 2006
Published: August 17th 2006
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Hi all, it's Adrienne. We finally figured out what some of your comments meant--that you could not see other comments because we need to do something on our side. So I just went through and approved them all so there is bit more reading for you. I have to say that it is so nice to read these notes. While I'm online I totally forget I'm in another country, except for the ever-present Moldovian techno and rap music that has become the soundtrack for this trip.

In an effort to communicate with people with only a basic knowledge of English, Wendy and I have simplified our conversation into the most simple subject/verb/object types of sentences. When people ask about me, I find myself saying, "I have husband" or "I work Human Resources." And when Wendy called Tania to tell her I couldn't go to the orphanage because I was sick, she said "Adrienne is vomit." No wonder these people are having trouble learning English! One of our housemates, who is taking English classes, asked me to explain the McDonald's slogan "I'm loving it." They are learning proper, grammatical English, and that sentence just can't be diagrammed! So that led to a discussion of America slang, and then I couldn't talk about it anymore because anything McD's related (except the Internet Cafe) brings on the heebie jeebies.

We spent yesterday with the Down's children again, and those three walkers Wendy mentioned gave us a run for our money! They completed outsmarted us in everything we tried. We were utterly exhausted after chasing after them all afternoon, but boy did we have fun. One little boy in particular, Andre, just captured my heart. He has a very stubborn steak in him, but is also very loving. When he gets mad, watch out--he does not like anyone near him. But once he calms himself down he is ready for play and hugs.

Today we have been with a different group, mostly boys around the age of 4. It is so strange, but they don't understand the concept of playing "together." There is only one ball for their group (we found a toy store and plan to pick up some more today) but they don't throw it or kick it to each other. One kid holds it until another kid steals it from him, resulting in a meltdown from kid #1, and then the second kid holds it until another comes along to steal it from him, resulting in another meltdown, and the saga continues. We did manage to entertain them with "Follow the Leader" and some silly songs with hand motions, but I hope that with additional balls the idea of Catch or Football can be easily taught.

Just as with our previous group, I'm not sure how much the caretaker enjoys our presence, and I wonder how much, if anything, they were told about what we are doing there. I am having to accept that this program is not being run the way I would run it, which doesn't make it wrong, but for someone as organized and anal-retentive as I am this is a hard concept to master!

Shout out to my Father in Law having a birthday Friday, and my Grandmother having a birthday on Saturday! And 11 years ago on Friday I met Mark! Yea!


17th August 2006

LOL on imagining the chase you guys went through
I only wish I had sent some toys with you. We should have sent you with a whole travel bag just filled with toys. Glad you're feeling better and having better food. The veggie dish Wendy mentioned sounded delicious! I've enjoyed reading both of your blogs so keep up the great humorous notes! Today I taught my second day of spanish classes and I learned a new song that that will mix both Enghlish and Spanish and works on counting with those kids. It goes like this (sang to the tune of 'three blind mice'): One, two, three Uno, dos, tres Four, five, six Cuatro, cinco seis Counting in Spanish is so much fun I sing with you and you sing with me seven, eight, nine siete, ocho, nueve and ten make diez Ten makes diez
22nd August 2006

Thanks for the song
Hey Letty, I think even I can figure your song out. The kids love to hear us sing, even if they don't know what we are saying, so we can add yours to the repertoire. Wendy and I are already looking into sending these kids toys and shoes when we get back. They shouldn't have to hoard the few things they have! Keep working out while I am gone. I would especially love to be able to swim with you and Nici! Wendy and I walk at least 3 miles a day to our various locations, and a few days we have used those elastic chord thingies for strength training. Our host walked in while we were using them this morning, and officially thinks we are nuts.

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