Starting from home!

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November 2nd 2006
Published: August 15th 2006
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Hi All,

Well we are still at home at the moment, but wanted to introduce you to our travel blog site, so you can track us around the globe.


15th August 2006

Luck Devils
Thanks guys for the update , cant wait till the real thing . I's sure you will but i hope you both have the most fantastic adventures . xxx Nicky
15th August 2006

Move your arse
When are you going?
15th August 2006

Well I am impressed you've made it to Guilford. What's it like? Are the people really weird? What's the time where you are
18th August 2006

good on ya
Hi both, just wanted to say how chuffed I am that you are going to be living the dream (not to make it sound too much like a cliche). I look forward to hearing about your travels.
19th August 2006

Just a few little months away...
Can i come too?
24th October 2006

not long now
hi folks, thought I ought to show Buzz the ropes. Can't wait to see that first red line on the map. I hope Hong Kong knows what is going to hit them at the beginning of November....Seriously though, was fab to see you at the weekend x
2nd November 2006

Just the other side of Heathrow
Well being on the same airport a stone's throw away and not having the time to wave goodbye or even call you is a little frustrating! i finally had a moment to myself about 5 minutes ago so missed your mobile being switched on and have no idea where to even start looking for you in terminal 1! On which note - you've started travelling so where's your next blog?!! You guys will have a fabulous time, i'm soooo jealous x x x x
2nd November 2006

Hi Honey!
Thanks for the great message, I'm waving at you from accross the terminal (although I cant see you - obviously!) Have fun at work! xxx ps, the sweeties have nearly all been eaten, I have left the rest of the stash in my ruck sack which I have saved for starving days of rations on route somewhere!

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