Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

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South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus
August 11th 2006
Published: August 13th 2006
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river liferiver liferiver life

main port for manaus
Hello Everyone!!!

I am in Manaus, Brazil and arrived here almost two weeks ago. Flying over Manaus was a perfect introduction to the city. As the airplane lowered, looking out the window there was water as far as the eye could see. The Amazon didn't look like a simple river. This body of water is massive and appears to be an ocean. Dispersed in between mini rivers of the larger river were what looked like broccolli heads from above. Lots and lots of broccolli. There was dense jungle everywhere......surrounded by miles and miles of water. Beautimous. As the plane drifted over this place I knew this would be a very special year.

Manaus is super duper hot and humid and I'm sticky with sweat all the time. Air conditioning has become my new best friend and so has cold showers (no hot water here) I've been chugging water like theres no tomorrow trying to keep hydrated. Also, been eating a ton of fruit...papaya, mango, graviola, guava, avacado and other tropical goodies. My new favorite breakfast is fruit smoothies. The bananas are soooo sweet here, mmm.....I didn't realize they could be so damn good. .... like solid sugary goodness. Lunch
amazon riveramazon riveramazon river

a beast of water
is a big meal here, more then dinner. I've been eating great meals, barbequed amazonian fish (pirarucu, matrinxã) with rice, farofa (like a cous cous), vinegrette (like pico de gallo) and beans. Scrumdidlyumptious.

It's so great to be re-united with my boyfie Fernando and it's lovely living with him as well. Six months apart has definitely made our relationship stronger. We have a cute apartment with yellow walls and wood floors on the second floor of a large apartment complex. Today I woke up to breakfast in bed. sweetness. Also, I'm learning Portuguese slowly but surely. Everywhere I go it's all I hear so my brain is starting to catch on. good stuff.

Yesterday I went on a tour of the Amazon river and it was totally amazing. It felt like a dream and was one of those moments I knew I would have in my memory forever. We took a big boat off of the Manaus port and went around too see the outskirts of the city, the meeting of the waters and some amazon houses. Then we all got on a smaller motorized wooden boat and scooted around through smaller tributaries of flooded forest. Soooooo
Teatro AmazonasTeatro AmazonasTeatro Amazonas

Opera house in downtown
beautiful. Fernando and I were at the front of the boat with nothing blocking our view. There were white herons pecking at the foliage along the banks of the river. Overhead were tropical birds singing and darting in and out of the trees. At one point I saw an irredescent blue butterfly the size of my hand within arms reach. Little yellow and orange butterflies fluttered about as we whizzed by. The Amazon is so powerful and amazing to witness. It has an energy, like a force field around it, of goodness, mystery and wisdom. I felt like I was in the presence of something sacred, like a church.......where you should whisper. This place feels like heaven on earth, like a utopia of the way things should be everywhere in this world. Balance. Unity. Calm. Peace.
We passed flooded forest, with trees growing straight up out of the water. You could see water marks five feet up from where the water now rested. The guide said that last week the water was at that level. We paused at rubber trees and watched river life along the banks of the amazon. Out of nowhere, little amazonian children would appear in

Symbolism of the Rio Negro and Rio Solimoes flowing along side each other and not mixing due to temperature, density etc. trippy
wooden canoes. What a beautiful place to live and play every day!

I'm in the process of finding english jobs, volunteer work and portuguese classes. Things are good and I'm so happy to be here. I hope you all are doing wonderful and enjoying the last of summer! Take care.

Love, Lil

Additional photos below
Photos: 35, Displayed: 24


colorful buildingscolorful buildings
colorful buildings

Downtown, close to Teatro Amazonas
floating boatfloating boat
floating boat

Overhead view at port
meat marketmeat market
meat market

Municipal Market-replica of market in Paris, "Les Halles".

peace and quiet

chicken feet, scrumptious
sloth lovesloth love
sloth love

boy with sloth

gnarly tree
me at portme at port
me at port

amazon boat
monkey businessmonkey business
monkey business

fernando and a little baby monkey
girls in canoegirls in canoe
girls in canoe

girls with sloth
me and macawme and macaw
me and macaw

birdy goodness

13th August 2006

wow, ur pics are sooo amazing and pretty! and u look hot! ur hair's a lot longer than i remember.
15th August 2006

your adventure
Lil, your mother forward these to us. Your photo's are art. Enjoy. Blessings to you and Fernando. Love, R
15th August 2006

Damn Lil... I'm jealous, but I'm glad your having a good time and enjoying what the world has to offer. I'm also happy you are with your man. Keep sending the pictures, they are awesome and it makes me feel like I'm seeing a little Brazil with you. Don't get to busy to write. Miss you already.
17th August 2006

Lil thanks darlin for sending me these fab photos. I get to live vicariously through you and your travels, keep them coming, love Nanc

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