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October 3rd 2013
Published: October 3rd 2013
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I arrived in Beijing about three hours ago, it's the first time that I have been in the shortest immigration queue. There were only about a dozen of us foreign nationals entering China from my train, T98.

The train itself took 23 and a half hours, but the time went surprisingly quickly, especially since I slept pretty soundly (though it took me a while to get used to the motion whilst lying down). I was in a room all to myself, the other three bunks being empty, but that was alright, the noise from next door kept me company, and I went down to dinning carriage, where I am pretty sure I order vegetables but ended up with vegetables with grey chunks, which looked to me like frogs legs and bits of spine. Good times.

The landscape changed quite dramatically over night. The south of China was pretty rugged, mountains jagging out of the ground, but then when I woke up this morning the land was completely flat as far as the eye can see, and dusty, very dusty. Tiny ramshackle villages were interrupted by twenty-first century tower blocks (most were being built, or would have been being built were it not the holidays here - National day... which lasts a week....). Still getting used to my new camera, so most of the images I took were blurry, I miss my Holga already, going to load her up tomorrow when I head out.

Had spicy 'drunken nuts' for lunch as I couldn't face another plate of amphibians.

It is quite noisy here in the room at the hostel I am staying in (not far from Tiananmen Square), but doesn't feel half as bad as Hong Kong. I am fairly certain the taxi driver overcharged me, but did not feel able to confront her as also in the taxi was her husband/lover/pimp. Loving the clothes, Beijing.

Had some dropped egg soup for tea, and about to settle in for the night; I am shattered!

Side note: In Hung Hom station (HK) you are not allowed to 'hawk, doubt, question or exhibit materials against the government'. Always love the image of 'hawking', I always see a giant bird with watches tapped under it's wings but I think that's because something misfires in my brain 😊

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3rd October 2013

Good to know you got there OK - love the photos and miss you already! Enjoy!
5th October 2013

Hey, Mirela! You can't miss me; I will be seeing you very soon (creepy face)
3rd October 2013

Hey! I'm really glad to see you arrived safe, I enjoyed the entry :) Keep safe and enjoy your time, try and avoid eating more animals although, you know, you're in Asia. It's pretty difficult! Keep updated, I look forward to reading them xx
5th October 2013

Hey, Charlotte. Bloody animals *shakes fist*. No facebook *sadface*
3rd October 2013

The journey sounded amazing - well described Heather - love the geographical terms - I was traveling with you in my mind - I like this travel without stress. Have fun love mum x
5th October 2013

Thanks, Mum. Glad you are enjoying it, I'm enjoying writing it!
6th October 2013

Took me AGES to work out how to follow this, I knew it would be more complicated (for me) to follow than your instructions!!! Trip sounds like it's going great, it's weird here without ya, and I feel like Monica "And I have to live with a booooyyyy!" Ha!!! Keep the posts coming and I will try to remember to read them, had a disaster yday with this laptop-screen went all cccccccccccccc (sound effect) and looked like an old black n white tv when they stop transmitting!!!needless to say I left it!!!Went for steak, came back n talked to it (didnt work) pleaded (still nothing) and then bashed it and BOOM screen came back....but who knows for how long!!!!That's about the extent of my news!!! Will comment on this soon, will try to keep up with it, and if i become laptopless will check it at work, Bon Voyage!!! :) Awesomes for the magnet btw, u know if i were there u woulda bought so much more stuff hehehehehehe!!!!!! Talk soon x
6th October 2013

eugh, boys smell! I know! I'd have bought loads of stuff, and then had to carry it everywhere with me and broken my back and then you'd get the emergency phone call and you'd only have yourself to blame! Maybe I shouldn't have beaten up my old laptop and you could have used it (not that the screen was much better) oh, well. You go to Prime for steak? Miss Lee is possibly the most embarrassing person I've ever gone a trip with, and that includes all school teachers ever! Talk soon x

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