yongala hash up!/magnetic paradise

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August 9th 2006
Published: August 9th 2006
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well from airlie i booked my yongala dive.this is supposed to be one of the ebst dive sites in the world and somethign that i had been looking forward to for soooo long.those that know me know abou me n my diving...anyways booked it all up n have jumped back on the oz experince cos was able 2 get an awsome deal..and so they were guna drop me off in ayre to do this awsoem dive..so all was going along swimmingly, until was dropped in ayre n know1 had got hold of me to tell me that it had been cancelled for 4 days!!!!!!!!! arrgggg...n let me tell u wot u can do in ayre for 4 days..BUGGER ALL-quoted from reception lady at my hostle..damm...get me out of this hole were my thorts..anyway luckily was able to catch next oz bus nest day so bummed around in sun for the day..anways got to magnetic island and met up with the people form my bus from airle-ayre n then also ppl on my current bus id met in byron so was feeling very popular!! aneway had some awsome nights with these lot n ended up hiring out a moke..little car, the second day n takign it aroudn magnetic island which is gorgeous. mountainous with beatiful coves n wildlife..we then watched sun go down whilst rock climing to find mushoom rock with the irish boys, garath n karol,,yres karol is a guys naem..apparntly!!,.... n chelsea..was very cool day...today have moved to this koal santucary so finally 2mo im guan be holding a koal...i cant wait!!!!!!!! anywys still ahvnt been able 2 make any progress with the dive...they say they have to give my money in cheack..yes dollars..fat use that is in my englaish bank...so am kicking up stink n tryign to get them to pick me up from townsville otherwise im opening up an oz account jsut to get this money out...grrrrrrr!!!! anywas thats all for now xxxxxxxxxx


15th August 2006

Hiyo faany, sorry i havent been in contact for a while but have been on my travels- as soon as I came back from menorca I went straight to turkey for a week sailing around the coasline- was amazing! Eveyone in Menorca was asking after u wondering where u were but then were v jelous wen they forund out u were in oz! They all cant wait to c u at me party. i CAN'T WAIT TO C U HONEY ITS BEEN TO LONG NOW AND I JUST WANT TO C URE PRETTY FACE AGAIN! Anyways have an amazing last couple of weeks and i will follow along. love u lots and lots xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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