Bear, Toasters and Coffee Pots

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August 6th 2013
Published: August 7th 2013
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Early up and out to Fish Creek to watch (hopefully) bears feeding on the spawning salmon at Fish Creek. One bear obliged, and posed for photos before wandering off into the brush beside the creek. Photos document that marvelous close-up. Then Ron and I sauntered around Stewart, finding a bakery with wonderful coffee (with real cream) and fresh homemade cinnamon rolls. We finished the day by driving to Salmon Glacier, but that is for another blog entry. Here's the bear! (and the toasters and the coffee pots)

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Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


7th August 2013

Wow! Love the bear pictures! Phillip really wants to go to Alaska and now he wants to go even more! :)
8th August 2013

Carolyn was in heaven, I'm sure.
8th August 2013

Awesome! Those are some great close ups of bears! When we were in Colorado, my dad and I went on a backpacking trip up Ptarmigan Lake Trail, but it didn't go so well. When we got there, it was all nice and sunny and warm. But about an hour into the trail, it started to cloud up, cool off, and start raining. Luckily, we had rain gear, but we were still very wet. Once we got to our campsite, the rain stopped just long enough for us to set up our tent. As soon as we got our tent set up, it started raining all over again. We couldn't get outside and get our stove lit, so we had trail mix for supper. It didn't appear to be letting up, so we bear-bagged our food and climbed in our sleeping bags for the night. When we got up (notice I say got up, not wake up, as we slept very little in the night), it wasn't raining quite as hard, so we went ahead and got our food down and started our stove up and cooked our appetizer-sized breakfast and split it. Then we broke camp, still in the rain, and began hiking down. Once we finally got back to my Aunt Sandi's cabin, we still had to set up our tent and tarps and ponchos and everything else in our packs out to dry. When we were all done, we figured out that it had rained 16.5 out of the 18.5 hours we were out there. It was quite a trip!
8th August 2013

Great Bear Pics!!
Alex and Piper just looked at the bear pics with me. Loved them! The kids were surprised you were so close. Alex thought all the signs about what not to do around bears included not getting too close taking pictures.

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