Beijing day two

August 5th 2013
Published: August 5th 2013
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The highlight of breakfast had to be the pigs ears with leeks. If only they'd used sheep ears then Sand would have been right at home!

After that excitement we took the subway to the Forbidden City. A HUGE complex of palaces used by emperors through the ages. And I thought Lake Minnetonka had some huge homes....oh no, they're like outhouses for this place!

From there we had lunch and then wandered around some of Beijing's hutongs or alleyways. Very much the other end of the economic spectrum but just as interesting. The fact that we were on our own instead of among thousands of other tourists also made it way more relaxing. The crowds at the big attractions here are overwhelming.

The kids have been photographed a lot again today. It's strange to think that they'll feature on the holiday pictures of so many Chinese families! Tomorrow I may start charging for a picture.

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5th August 2013

Keep them coming
Heloooooo, I am enjoying the Beijing updates. Next May I will be there for the first time and B is joining me after the congress. All tourist tips welcome. Will you be doing the pandas? (bears not Fiats). Just seen a table indicating about 60m tourists visit China (3rd) each year. About the same number the US (2nd) and well over 80m (1st) France. From what you say it sounds like all 60m are in Beijing! Pigs ears - all crisped up like corn flakes?
5th August 2013

Pandas aren't on the agenda - much to Carys' disappointment. The pigs ears were thin, moist slices. They may have been uncooked. It did try them and I can't say that I rushed back for more. They had the texture of gristle. Crunchy in a nasty slippery kind of way!
5th August 2013

welcome to asia
nice blog, really enjoy reading it, hope we can get together here in bali :-)
5th August 2013

Great to be a part of your trip! Always wondered why my sweet and sour pork was so chewy. Enjoy your adventures - don't make a pig's ear of it!
6th August 2013

Hi Chris, The fare tonight made pigs ears seem positively appetizing! Fried insects on sticks. I was compelled to wash away the memories with a couple of Tsingtaos.

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