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Asia » China » Beijing
August 3rd 2013
Published: August 4th 2013
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Hello from Beijing!

The trip here was 23 hours door to door. All pretty painless, especially for Sand and Carys who got upgrades to business! They enjoyed champagne and smoked salmon while Ben and I battled for bread and water. The good news is that they owe us now and we look forward to payback.

First impressions on Saturday afternoon of Beijing are good but honestly we could be in any western city. we were met by the very friendly and talkative Chen Dan Hong aka Alice who did a great job selling us on a trip to The Great Wall. So that's where we are heading today, Sunday.

Opening curtains this morning revealed a nasty haze across the city. Last night the air was very clear. Apparently the factories were very busy last night. Yuk!


4th August 2013

meet up in BKK?
let me know your dates - I am in and out of BKK all the time at the moment. or could do Singapore or Bali? travel safely and lots of love SDx
5th August 2013

Re : meet in BKK
Hi Simon! I've emailed you our itinerary. Hope we can meet. Nick et al.

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